The De Bastenthwaites Of Cumberland
From Bassingthwaighte by G B Bassingthwaighte (December 1977)

Notes compiled from the Transactions of Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarians and Archaelogical Society by Cannon Farer of Cockermout for Edward Bassingthwaighte late of Aycliffe, county Durham.

The Manor of Bolten (near Bassenthwaite) was given by Allan, Lord of Allandale, to his brother Gospatrick, whose family took the name of de Bassenthwaite. This is further amplified by a note in an old deed of the Irton family. Waldeve the son of Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar, granted or confirmed to Adam son of Wolfin Bassenthwaite, with all its members and apprentenances with a right to cut wood and turn cattle of the forest.

Christiana de Bassenthwaite Threopland gave to Frountain Abbey in 1225 three roods in Apelthwayte and a little later all her land in Apelthwayte and Crosthwaite; she calls herself daughter of Adam de Bassenthwaite, who was probably the same Adam mentioned in a 12th century chapter of St. Bees and perhaps son or grandson of Gospatrick, to whom Bolton, Bassenthwaite and Hersthlom were given. A brother is also mentioned.

About 1268 Christiana granted land to Richard of Normanthwaite.

In a document dated 12th September, 1304, concerning certain land around Hayton (East of Carlisle) Alexander de Bassenthwaite is mentioned as Sub-Esculator.

In 1307 when John de Eglisfield was given a commission to bring 60 men to Carlisle for the expedition of Edward I to Scotland, Alexander de Bastingthwayte and Thomas de Louthre had the same duty towards 200 footmen from Allandale.

In October 1304 a commission was issued to audit the account of money which Alexander de Bastenthwayt and two others had levied in tax from the people of the County of Cumberland.

In March 1316 Sir Alexander de Bastenthwayt was appointed one of the commissioners of array in the County of Cumberland for the war against the Scots and undertook the defence of Cockermouth Castle in July and August 1316 when the rebels were endeavouring to enter the area. He was described as the keeper of certain lands in September 1317 and October that year was appointed conservator of peace for the County of Cumberland. He was obviously a trusted official and had been knighted as a result of his good services.

In 1358 the will of Adam de Bastenthwayte, son of Sir Alexander, was proved at Rose Castle and mention was made of three daughters, one of whom was married to Irton. and there is evidence that half of the Manor of Bassenthwaite was in the hands of the Irton family.

In 1469 William de Irton held possession of Bassenthwaite and when Richard Irton died in 1534 the Manor was either sold or given in payment of debt to the Lord Mayor of London, Sir William Capell.

There is no record of any members of the family being alive after 1358 and we are left to wonder if the name did in fact continue with some lesser known personage in the family. Could it be that he, or a descendant, travelled south & finally settled in East Anglia?

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