Maree Cameron, May 2007

Maree Cameron
Jandowae Artist (May 2007)

She first began painting more than 30 years ago, during her spare time on the family's cattle property at Tambo.

In 1979 Mrs Cameron became involved with the Flying Arts School and is still the local area representative for Flying Arts Inc.

She has gone on to receive recognition for her work, including the Minister for Arts Encouragement Award, Bell Chimes Art Award and Arts Queensland Award, over the course of her career.

Mrs Cameron said that one of the highlights of her career was painting a portrait of R M Williams. After only two sittings, she recounted how nervous she was when she returned for his approval.

"R M studied the portrait for what seemed like ages and then he said 'there's only one thing I don't like and that's the skin on my arms, it's not dark enough, make them darker'," Mrs Cameron said.

Her son is now the proud owner of the portrait.

Over the past four years, Mrs Cameron has donated paintings to various organisations to help raise funds for their causes and for the Clourful Journeys exhibition she donated a painting, Butterflies at the Bunyas, to the local Hear & Say centre.

Maree's Words

Maree's Pictures