Chapter 6
From Not Everyone Can Claim An Uncle Tom by Grace & Peter Ireland (2002)

Uncle Tom in his vest

Uncle Tom went to the movies most Saturday nights at the old Roxy Theatre.

He regularly took Ruth and me with him when we were at home on holidays from boarding school. Tom really enjoyed taking us with him and we enjoyed going with him.

Ruth and I would discuss between us as to whose turn it was to ask Uncle Tom to take us to the movies.

On Saturday afternoons one of us would say, "Going to the pictures tonight Uncle Tom?"

He'd say, "Aw yeah, if you want to go."

In those days the pictures began with a cartoon, followed by a newsreel, a serial such as "The Lone Ranger," shorts and then a movie.

We never arrived on time when we went with Uncle Tom, and sometimes we were lucky to get seats together because many people went to the pictures in those days.

Uncle Tom rarely saw the beginning of the second movie either, because at interval he'd duck into the pub next door for a "short snort."

In our courting days, Peter kept these traditions going!!!

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