Minutes of meeting held on Monday 4th. March 2008.

                                         At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.



1.                   PRESENT 

 Jan Bickerton [Chair], Violy Geist, Beryl King, Doreen Beard and Vince Scouller.


2                     APOLOGIES

Ros Balston, Ian & Heather Gall and Mary Cleary.





3.1. Moved by Doreen Beard and seconded by Violy Geist that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as read.                                                                                                          CARRIED


4.             BUSINESS ARISING


4.1 Jan Bickerton advised that the First Aid Kit had been placed in the cupboard at the cottage.


4.2 No reply had been received from Wambo re the cleaning of Dingo Corner.




5.1 Wambo Shire Council                                  Advising Grant of $5000,subject to presentation of Invoices


                5.2 Barbara Rathmell                                         Re cleaning of Dingo Corner


6.                   OUTWARD CORRESPONDENCE


6.1 Wambo Shire Council                                  Query on cleaning Dingo Corner area and key holder


6.2 Brendan Harth                                                Thanks for work on Dairy


6.3 Helen Cronin                                                   Thanks for donation of school bag


Moved by Violy Geist and seconded by Beryl King that the inward correspondence be received and the outward adopted                                                                                                                         CARRIED




7.1 In the last round of Community Grants we have received $5000.00. Council will pay Tax Invoices presented on items listed in our application.


8                      TREASURER’S REPORT


Violy Geist advised that the nachos stall conducted at the Rotary Fete yielded a net profit of $220.00. Thanks to all concerned.


The Treasurers Report [attached] shows                       Balance B/F $5560.97

                                                                                     Income              233.75

                                                                                     Total                5794.72

                                                                                     Expenditure        256.61

                                                                                     Cr. BAL           $5538.11


Moved by Violy Geist and seconded by Doreen Beard. That the treasurer’s reports be accepted as circulated and all accounts be passed for payment                             CARRIED.





9.             GENERAL BUSINESS


9.1 It was resolved that the log from the front of the Wambo Shire Council Chambers be placed in the vicinity      of the flagpole. Following Council Amalgamations this will be of historical value in years to come.


9.2 President Ros notified that she would be preparing a submission for an Arts Council Grant ASAP.


9.3 It was moved by Doreen Beard and seconded by Beryl King that we ratify the decision of the President to have power connected to the interior of the Shearers Quarters, Dairy and a power board installed at the Cottage.


9.4 Following the cleaning of the Dairy walls a painting working bee has been called for next week.

      The Secretary advised that Rod Dolly has offered assistance with some paint and equipment.


9.5     The floorboards, bearers and verandah railings have been collected from Mount Ivory. Guttering has still to be collected. A working bee is to be called to commence the restoration. It was resolved that this work commence immediately and that the matter of a ramp be looked at some time in the future.


9.6     The Dickies have been hung and greatly admired. Doreen Beard is to gather the revellent information so that this display can be suitably labelled.


9.7     It was resolved that the signage on the windmill be laminated and placed in a Perspex frame.


9.8     It was resolved that full information on all items be catalogued in a book following their labelling.


9.9     Neville Schumann has finished work on the tank downpipe. A little more work has to be done before the mower arrives.





As there was no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.15.pm.




The next meeting will be held


Monday 7th. April


At the Community Centre

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