Present: Peter Ireland, Ian & Heather Gall, Margaret Atkinson, Jan Bickerton, Beryl King, Doreen Beard
Apologies: Beryl McKenna
Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather who Margaret moved and Ian seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried
Business Arising:
The history of Jandowae which was passed to Peter is a different record to the former records which we have access to.
Ian and Peter to attend to the Wool Press and the Display Cabinet.
Ian is to attend to the foot valve on the pump.
Correspondence: Inwards Nil;
Outwards:— Smarty Grants Acquittal for the new mower.
Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Doreen.
Treasurer's Report: Credit Balance $2235.30; term Deposit:$11,340.15 Income:— Donation $38.21 Expenses — Petrol $27.06
Margaret moved her report of Income and Expenditure be accepted, seconded by Jan.Carried
General Business:
Claire Matthews has memorabilia from the Scouting days in Jandowae and would like it to be preserved in our heritage precinct at a later date.
Don Blinco and Roy Campbell have offered to restore the Wambo sign.
Peter sprayed the lawn for clover.
Seniors from the Sunshine Coast would like to visit the precinct at 3pm on the 8th August.
The donations board for the cottage is to be erected in the cottage
There are 3 CD's in stock.
At the Garden Club Day at the Cottage, Jan asked for volunteers to assist with the gardening at the cottage. Brenda Tuppack offered to assist
L. Butler has requested that the Precinct be open during the Opera Weekend at Jimbour on 26th and 27th June. Peter is to get in touch with him to arrange a suitable time for him.
Painting: Grants of $5,000 for the school and $3,000 for the Cottage are to be investigated.