Minutes For 8/07/2013
Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present: Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ian and Heather Gall,Ruth Sargent, Beryl King, Betty Wassell

Apologies: Ros Balston, Margaret Atkinson

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved and Beryl seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.

Business arising:

Correspondence: Heather moved that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Betty. Inwards — Western Downs Regional Council (permission to relocate the old school to the heritage precinct).

Treasurer's Report: Ruth presented a report of income and expenditure. Income - $330 from Council for the Australia Day Breakfast, Rotary Donation $2850. Expenditure - $600 to the Council as a security to leave the old site in a suitable state e.g. filling in stump holes and $11.35 for Hardware. The Cr. Balance is $15,076.12. The Investment Account balance is $15,385.53. In future, wedding couples must pay for the use of the grounds as a venue prior to the wedding day. A receipt was delivered to Noel Brettel for the Rotary donation. Peter will personally thank Rotary for their donation at a later date. Ruth moved her report. Seconded Beryl

General Business:

Members were asked to provide suitable wording for the Marnhull sign. "Jandowae Athlone Cottage Heritage Precinct by the creek. Contact Information Centre" was suggested. This would surround a photo of the cottage.

Our Bank Accounts are part of a package. Ruth is no longer receiving mail for the Business Group.

Old School — Peter reported that all the necessary paper work is in place for removal and relocation. Ian Wassell will disconnect the power with Michael Wood. Russell Hill's son has demolished the back of the building and he will take the cladding after relocation. Peter has taken the lining from the middle room. He is trying to get a plan of the building from the state archives. Peter sent an article to the local magazine.

The members then visited the building to view the inside and a working bee is to be held next week to clean out the inside and to check on the correct siting for the building.

The next meeting will be on the 12th August at 12 noon.

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