Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by by Heather. Ian moved and Sally seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.
Business Arising:
Ian moved that a letter of appreciation be sent to Cara for the brilliant way she coped in feeding the members of the Buick club when the pubs were not open for lunch. Margaret will present a suitable laminated letter for display in the shop.
All the athol pine trees are to be removed by Council.
Correspondence: Heather moved that the outwards be endorsed — a thank you to Tanya for cleaning prior to Timber Town. The form for the Office of Fair Trading is to be completed. Passed
Treasurer's Report: The Cr. Balance is $8277.50. Income — donations/dvds $80. Expenditure — ATO $76, Peter $130.20. Margaret moved her report for adoption. Seconded Beryl K. The following account was passed for payment — Insuring the Product $1128.49
General Business:
69 people are expected for a car rally on 18th September. Jan is to liason with Brad at the pub. CWA are providing sandwiches and cakes. We are to provide soup, tea and coffee and possibly a fruit platter. Helpers to be there at 11am.
Drought Relief Caravan is coming to Jandowae on 29th September. $50 per caravan will be donated to drought relief. Lions are to distribute the money. We are to open on the Saturday morning from 10-12am. Peter has prepared signs for Lillian to distribute to the caravan people.
Heather is to send Peter's report to the Dalby Herald. He will give a copy to the magazine.
Leon donated $50 for the use of the grounds for the service but an executive decision was made to pass this on to the Chaplaincy committee.
Peter will be away for the next month.
One of the bunya pines has died.
Heather is to apply for a new AGL grant (before 25th Sept.) for the cost of the cement as it was not possible to access the cement from their site at the wind farm.
A letter is to be written to the CEO of the Council to inform them that we are very disappointed that we have never heard back about the update to our tourism pamplet.
Jan welcomed Grace to the meeting and congratulated Peter and Grace on the wonderful job they have done in compiling the old photos.
A CD which contained old photos was received from Robert Binding. Peter will combine these with the photos from Dick Travers on the Jimbour area.
Grace was asked if she would write on the blackboard.
Peter suggested that we donate the Magistrates' furniture to whatever historical site would like them. Ian suggested Winton and an approach is to be made.
Grace moved and Ian seconded that we approach Robbie Brazier to install blinds over the glass cases as the work inside is starting to fade.
Peter thanked Mick for chairing the meeting and also the members for their attendance.