Jandowae & District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.
Minutes of meeting Monday 11th May 2009

at the Community Centre at 7:30 pm

1.       Present:  Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Jan Bickerton, Peter Ireland, Betty Wassell, Doreen Beard, Sister Mary Cleary, Marg Atkinson, Peter Kelly, Vince Scouller, Sally Maunder, Heather Gall, Ian Gall, Shauna Coombes

2.       Apologies: Ros  Balston, Beryl King

3.       Minutes of the previous meeting:  Moved to be a true and accurate record by V Scouller, seconded by I Gall.   Carried

4.       Business arising:

The windmill is completed.  The account is to be sent to DRC attn Peter McClaren.

The brochure has been printed and distributed.  Compliments are coming in everywhere it is.  Donna Ashhurst would like a number of copies to distribute.


Jan is still working on plant control.


The report about the baker’s oven gave an estimated cost of $80,000.  The council doesn’t find themselves in a position fund it themselves or to source the grants.  Vince is going to take it over and ask someone in Kingaroy for a quote, and pass that onto the council if appropriate.  The aim is to make the oven safe, rather than usable.  If that cannot be done, then we need to discuss options such as removal, bulldozing, or fencing off.  Motion that Vince investigates moved by Sally, seconded by Jan.  Carried.


Peter Ireland is investigating the shed still, and he has it all under control.


The information signs are still with the budget.


Ros and Jan went to a meeting about the Opera at Jimbour.  There will be about forty stalls, and we have requested a stall for nachos.   They have also asked that all the Jandowae stalls be together, so we can gather under a banner to promote the town.  Sites are 3x3, with gazebos supplied.  Parking passes will be supplied.  Powered sites should be set up by 9:30, and they would prefer there be no tarps around the back as far as possible.  They can be put up tidily if needed for gas.  We need to find out if Timbertown is on next year, so we could promote it at the Opera if it is.  Vince’s brochure will be taken down.  Vince and Ros are to get together regarding upgrading the Atholone Cottage brochure, and the possibility of paying to get it printed.  Darryl will investigate whether we can borrow the welcome to Jandowae sign that used to be down at the swimming pool, and he will also talk to Clint to see if we could possibly get a banner.  The opera is expecting about 6500(? Thousand or hundred??).  The opera starts at 1:30, but markets open at 10 and close at 4:30.

5.       Inward correspondence

Q150 Celebration at Wandoan

Invitation from LAC about Trivia quiz night

Letter from DRC re Opera at Jimbour

Cultural Heritage Network Western Downs Meeting


-          bill from Woods

-          catering for ag solutions


6.       Outward correspondence

Application for ABN

Letter re Paul Price and Centrelink

Betty moved that inward be accepted and outward be adopted.  Seconded by Heather; carried.

7.       Treasurer’s report

        See attached report.

Total balance $13051.93.  Two outstanding accounts from ag solutions and Woods.  We will need to pay the bill for the Woods prior to receipt of the grant.

      V Geist presented and moved that it be accepted.  Seconded by J Bickerton.  Carried

8.       General business

Tom Leary is impressed with the cottage setup, however the Wambo log needs a coat of sealer again and a cap over the branch hole to prevent water getting in.  The log is a DRC responsibility and so this information will get passed onto them, along with the account for the windmill work.

There is concern about the trucks traveling through town, and the speed they are traveling at.  Shauna is to write a letter to Main Roads to suggest lowering the speed limit to 40 or 50, and enforcing it, with Murgon as a precedent.  Jan would like to see something done about the parking in front of the bottom pub, as visibility is a problem around the corner.  The reduced speed limit would help here, as would apply a rule to limit how close people can park to the corner.  Sally moves and Doreen seconds Shauna write a letter.  Carried.

Footpaths between the two bridges would be good as there are a lot of kids walking along the road there due to the lack of footpaths.

Proposals for Jandowae: to assist business and tourism in Jandowae from Peter Kelly??:

1. remove all no camping sites from Jandowae

2. ensure other information centers have info about Jandowae

3. Reactivate dump site at showgrounds and promote the dump through information centers therefore attracting more caravanners and travelers

Market days on Friday at Jandowae Stores footpath stalls outside shops, no fees, all businesses included, perhaps cheap lunch at pub etc

A large written visible sign at Info Centre and clearly visible open sign for weekends when volunteers rostered

Change speed limit

A map designed to indicate areas of interest such as dingo fence Athlone, cottage clubs, pubs, camping/caravan areas

Allow “caravan park” at showgrounds to be reactivated and used for budget travel… - suggestions from Marg?

It is thought that just removing the 'no camping' signs would make the town a more welcoming place.  Publicising the location of the sewage dumpsite in Jandowae would also be beneficial; however this is more in the realm of the show society.  Marg moves a letter is written supporting the removal of signs at the dam and around town, seconded by Mary.  Carried.

Tidy towns were in town the other day and the judges were very impressed by the cottage.  The stove from Langlands shearing shed installed by Vince and Pete is very popular.  Doug Henning is going to have a look to see if he has any stove plates that would replace the missing ones.  Tidy town judges would like to see more involvement from young people, and suggested getting school kids down to help with the practical side of things, such as gardening and so forth.  Jan has an itinery from them, which contains items that need updating.  Doug Henning has also been dropping off brochures around the place.  Vince is to send some to Chinchilla.

Ros has put in a submission for a cover for the pool, and possibly the ability to make it semi enclosed as necessary, however Nikki Zellar wasn’t notified of the tidy town judges coming down to have a look and so was surprised.

Peter Ireland sprayed the weeds in the waterhole as far as he could reach.  Ian has a pump which may be able to spray the lot.  Peter is going to ring Garry Cook to investigate the possibility of cleaning the whole thing out with an excavator.  Ian believes Terry Langton may be able to help.

Darryl is to bring up the idea of a Friday market day around the town at the business meeting.

Meeting close 9:45pm


Next meeting 7:30pm at the Community Centre on Monday 15 June 2009– V Geist is to confirm if the room is available.

Heritage Assn




