Minutes Of Meeting Held On 11/7/2015
By Jandowae
And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.
Peter welcomed all present to the meeting thanked the members for their attendance.
Present: Peter Ireland, Heather Gall, Ian Gall, Jan Bickerton, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Doreen Beard.
Apologies: Evelyn Nauschutz, Beryl McKenna, Ros Balston, Sally Maunder.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous general meeting were read by Heather. Doreen moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded Margaret.
Business Arising:
- Ian has a blackboard easel for the school.
- Margaret is to acquire the photo of Queen Victoria.
- Donna Tanner has dropped off 2 school desks. Ros has 2 teacher's desks. School desks may be available from a sale in Bundaberg.
- Michael Woods is to put the power point in the school next week.
- Heather is to contact the Hall Committee to see if they know where the magistrates chair went to. A notice may be put in the magazine to relocate same.
- Our painter is to be asked to do the railings on the cottage and possibly paint the toilet.
- Jan , Peter and Beryl were thanked for opening the buildings during Zone 4 Carnival.
- The disabled ramp might be able to be funded by the Gambling Community Funds grant.
Correspondence: Heather moved that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Beryl.
Inwards — Cobb & Co, QGC.
Outwards — Tony Bartlett
Treasurer's Report: The Cr. Balance is $15,729.14
Income — Painting Grant $11,783, Council $330, Fixed Deposit $20,287.90.
There were no payments or income since the last meeting.
Fixed Deposit $10,163.39.
Margaret moved this report for adoption, seconded by Ian.
General Business:
- Peter will ask the Grounds Committee to assist us to remove all the rubbish from under the cottage. It was suggested that Susie Palmer's plaque be placed on the old creamery after it is relocated.A plaque is to be put on the desks donated by Meg Gooley.
- A sign stating that this is the Jandowae State School 1899 is to be erected.
- Margaret is to prepare the Teacher's Rules.
- Lennie Veivers to supply a cost estimate for the ramp. Peter is to meet with Rick to discuss the money which is available from the gas company. Stones on the north bank of the creek and the ramp could be possible projects for this money.
- Jan is to plant the native frangipanni after the winter. A board is to be fixed in the bedroom. Ian and Peter are to remove the old wiring and antenna from the school.
- The farewell for Tony & Ros will be held at the Cottage on a Saturday morning for Morning Tea at a date to be advised.
Next Meeting will be on Saturday 15th August.