Present: Peter Ireland, Heather & Ian Gall, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Cherie Woollett, Jade Por, Daryl Donald
Apologies: Jan Bickerton, Betty Wassell, Grace Ireland
Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Beryl moved and Margaret Seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.
Business Arising:
Cherie is to pass on the phone number for Peter to approach the Men's Shed re. fixing the seats.
Ian and Peter to attend to the Wool Press and the Display cabinet.
Correspondence:Inwards: Account for Trilogy Insurance Solutions. Outwards: Nil
Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards be endorsed, seconded by Doreen Carried
Treasurer's Report:
Income —Donations $76.20, GST $450, Donations $82.65, Lions Club $200. Expenses — Irrigation Pump $880.
Total $2137.10; Term Deposit $11,340.15.
Margaret moved her report of Income and Expenditure be adopted, seconded by Cherie.Carried
General Business:
Heather is to ask Gary Baker for the quote to touch up the painting on the school (front wall and veranda railings)and to paint the toilet inside and outside.
Heather is to approach the Council re. fixing the brickwork around the circular garden. This brick work was repaired 3 years ago and the roots from the tree are causing several areas to be a trip hazard once again. The Committee would like to work out a permanent solution to this problem. Some bricks could be removed and replaced with a suitable material. In kind assistance may be available to make the necessary repairs.
Peter and Grace attended the Lions Dinner and Peter expressed his thanks to the Lions Club for their generous donation. Heather to write a thank you note to Lions.
Beryl said the waterfall area is in need of a general tidy up.
Peter thanked Jan for her wonderful work and commitment over many years and wished her a speedy recovery from her recent illness.