Minutes Of Meeting Held On 11/11/2013
By Jandowae
And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.
Present: Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ian and Heather Gall, Beryl King, Ros Balston, Margaret Atkinson, Sally Maunder, Daryl Donald, Doreen Beard
Apologies: Betty Wassell, Ruth Sargent
Peter welcomed those present and informed the meeting that the old school is now on site.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved and Sally seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.
Business arising: Peter is looking into the new motor for the mower. The sprinkler is still not working properly. Arrangements are to be made to contact Mrs Morrissey re. Jandowae's history.
Correspondence : Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Margaret. Inwards — Office Fair Trading (incorporation), QGC Magazine. Outwards — Office of Fair Trading (Incorporation Form signed by Peter Wilson.)
Treasure's Report: The Incorporation Fee and the Insurance have been paid. The fixed deposit is $15,500.91.
General Business:
- Peter, Grace, Tony and Ros interviewed Mavis Hoskin about her memories of Jandowae. This was recorded on a video.
- The relocation of the school should be completed by Thursday and the school will possibly need to have orange plastic placed around it. Daryl may be able to locate some if it is needed. Peter is to get Lennie Veivers to look at the internal structure of the building.
- Peter will approach Mick Hill to take the cladding. We need to keep the rafters for patching.
- When the Council redevelops the creek site, it is hoped that they will dig out the dirt on the other side of the island to stop access to the island by the public.
- Ernie Wilson donated a machine that enlarges photos. This has been placed in the dairy. Jewel Fearns has an old sewing machine and French wine barrel.
- An excavator is needed to remove the tree from the centre of the path. The Council may do this.
- The next meeting will be on January 13th at the Cottage and it will follow our annual byo BBQ at 5.30pm. A Working Bee will be called when appropriate. After $10,000 is paid to Wassells we should have about $20,000 left in our accounts.
- Daryl is to organise some younger fellows to clean up under the Shearer's Quarters & Cottage.