Minutes Of Meeting Held On 12/3/2016
By Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present: Peter Ireland, Ian & Heather Gall, Beryl King, Margaret Atkinson, Evelyn Nauschutz, Beryl McKenna, Doreen Beard

Apologies: Jan Bickerton, Ros Balston, Sally Maunder

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous general meeting were read by Heather. Doreen moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded Beryl McKenna.

Business Arising:


Inwards: WDRC (thank you for Australia Day),Timbertown (float and decorated tree), Lesley Gooderham ($75 banked in the wrong account), Warra Progress & Heritage (Lyn Taylor — Trumpeter' s Corner activities on 24th April, Cobb & Co Museum).

Outwards — Nil

Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards be endorsed. Seconded Seconded Beryl K. A thank you note is to be sent to the Jandowae Musical Group (Rob Brazier).

Treasurer's Report: The Cr. Balance is $4,892.89. Term Deposit $10,306.06. The following accounts were paid — Jandowae butcher $174.34, Hardware $37.75, Peter Ireland $80.78, Michael Wood $50, Plaque for school $215.33, Morrisseys $258.50, Satin Touch $226.11. Income — Membership $5, Ozday Drinks $78.10, Breakfast $494.10, WDRC Public Liability $571.34
Margaret moved the adoption of her report, Seconded Ian.

General Business:

Next Meeting: will be held on Monday 11th April at 7pm.

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