Jandowae and District Progress and Heritage Association. Inc.
Minutes 12th December 2011

Margaret Atkinson to do minutes in the absence of Heather Gall (Secretary)

In attendance: Daryl Donald. Peter Ireland, Betty Wassel, Ruth Sargent, Doreen Beard, Darcy and Sally Maunder, Jan Biggeton, Beryl McKenna, Margaret Atkinson.

Previous minutes read by Margaret, moved by Jan, seconded by Sally. Carried.

Correspondence: In/out. Letter from Rotary asking if we wished to do stall at Fete on 18th Feb 2012.  Reply to be written saying yes we will do Nachos stall.

A quote for removing and locating old school to Athlone block for $9240 and a tentative mud map of the position proposed. Filed for consideration once the application for grant is finalized.

A letter stating that we did not win this year’s Tidy Town award, accompanied by a declaration of our efforts. To be displayed in Cultural Centre.

Copy of letter from H Gall to Powerlink, supporting the Taralga Retirement Village Committee in their quest for a grant for Solar Power.

Copy of letter from H Gall to CEO Western Downs Council requesting $300 funding for Jandowae Australia day event.

Correspondence be accepted, moved by B Wassel and seconded by D Beard.

A letter to be sent to Graham Nelson thanking him for his contribution of a $40 meat tray.

A letter to be sent to Ray Brown inviting him and wife Lisa to our Australia day event at the cottage on Thursday 26th Jan. If he cannot come, to nominate a Councilor in his place.

A letter to also be sent to Mick and Cheryl Cosgrove inviting them to attend.

Treasurer’s report: Ruth presented report. Balance at end of November was $4811.72. A further $57 was banked 10/12/2011, making the balance $4868.72.

Motor and Tractor to be paid $100 on account.

Report moved by Ruth, seconded by Daryl. Carried.

General Business: Daryl moved a motion that the Jandowae Business Group become a separate entity to the Progress Association, which will include separate banking arrangements.  Seconded by Sally. Carried.

Australia day arrangements. Brekky 7am to 10am. Bacon and eggs on bread. Soft drinks Sally and Betty. Darcy to do damper. Donny Poetschka to be asked if he will do sheep shearing. Paul Ambrose butter making, Milk from Paul, David Tuppack for fishing.

Three dozen chairs to be purchased as moved at a previous meeting. Big. W @ $8. Peter will chase this up.

A further meeting to finalise arrangements will be held on Jan 9th.

A motion for above to be carried out was moved by Daryl, seconded by B McKenna .

A discussion was held regarding having a ‘Quiet Achiever’ for this year, all agreed that we should do so. Nominations to be given to Peter Ireland in confidence.     

A date for BBQ Christmas party that will be held after Christmas some time next year will be decided at next meeting on 9th Jan.2012.

A clean up needed at Athlone, particularly the apple tree which has become quite a nuisance.

A stripper harvester, donated by Ken Dann, prior to his departure, is to be donated to a district museum as we are unable to house it. Moved by Doreen, seconded by Darcy.

The raffle was drawn and won by Elaine Seng.

Meeting closed 8.45pm

Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 9th Jan. 7.30

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