1. Present: Darryl
Donald, Violy Geist, Jan Bickerton, Betty Wassell, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder,
Heather Gall, Ian Gall, Beryl King, Jack Lockhardt, Shauna Coombes.
2. Apologies: Ros Balston, Peter Ireland, Sister Mary Cleary, Vince Scouller
Minutes of the previous meeting: Moved to be a true and accurate
record by
Business arising:
Darryl was unable to catch up with Doug about the brochures, but
will persist after clarifying details with Ros.
Doug has recently taken some brochures to
The Council have offered to assist with the creek. Russel Sterling was going to catch up with
Pete when he gets the chance. They will
have transport available for the rocks and so forth. If Terry would bring two trucks then a relay
would be possible, thus speeding the process somewhat.
Jack Lockhardt clarified that the sign being erected in the
Two pieces of the Courthouse furniture have been returned. Mark is going to find out what he can and
establish whether there were two or three pieces of furniture.
The caravan park isn’t overly hospitable, which is a pity for the effect
it has on tourism in the town in general.
However, as it is privately owned, there isn’t really anything we can do
about it. The Showgrounds will be opened
up for the Opera at Jimbour.
5. Inward correspondence
- ABN/TFN application with an ABN and TFN
Invitiation for Relay
for Life
6. Outward correspondence
- Acquittal to Council for ramp
Letter re camping signs
and speed limit.
Moved by S. Maunder and seconded by B. King that the correspondence be
accepted. Carried
7. Business Arising From Correspondence
We will need to do an annual BAS, to be taken care of by the
treasurer. The fuel tax credit
(thingie…) does not appear to be worth applying for. Moved by J. Bickerton that we ignore that. Seconded by
Darryl is to look at the tax
deduction/donation thingie in more detail.
We are not interested in participating in Relay for Life.
8. Treasurer's Report.
As per attached sheet. The
account is healthy, however, that does include the grant money for the
creek. H. Gall moved that the report be
adopted. Seconded by S. Maunder. Carried.
9. General Business.
Shearer’s quarters: everything can be moved to one room and stored there
temporarily to allow the rest of the quarters to be finished. After the Opera at Jimbour, it needs to be
focused on. However the creek needs to
be done first, before a working bee can be organised.
The train in Apex park may be for sale.
It is owned by the park owners.
One possibility would be to run a line down and store the train in the
Catering for the Opera: Plan to
cater for approximately 200 people at $7 a serve. Need approx 20kg of mince – people to cook as
per Jan’s list. We can go in and set up
The business sub committee is in the process of trying to revamp the
business promotion week (the thing drawn at Rotary fete with stamps from the
local businesses). They need a bank
account with an incorporated body behind it.
There may be one set up at Rotary, however, if there isn’t, would we be
able to help out? Darryl is to
investigate if there is one at Rotary still.
It would be possible if it were necessary.
close 8:45 pm
Next meeting 7:30pm at
the Community Centre on Monday 10 August 2009.