Minutes Of Meeting Held On 14/10/2017
By Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present: Peter Ireland, Ian & Heather Gall, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Jan Bickerton

Apologies: Ros, Doreen, Beryl McK

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting and thanked the members for their attendance.

Jan is to send a card to Betty following the death of her brother.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded Ian Gall. Passed

Treasurer's Report: Cr Balance $4037.37. Income — Donations $63.40. Expenditure—Office of Fair Trading $53.50; Insuring the Product $1033.90. Term Deposit $10,757.07. $60.45 is owed to Peter for a tap for irrigation. Margaret moved her report for adoption, seconded Beryl K. Passed

Correspondence: Inwards — AGL Grant application for $3,000, Office of Fair Trading (receipt), Sue Gilbar . Heather is to apply for a $3000 grant to AGL in order to relocate the old wagon. Approximate cost $2,000 concrete and $2,000 for a roof and fence and the relocation of the Wambo sign. Heather is to apply to the Council for reimbursement of our public liability insurance. Heather moved that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Ian. Passed

General Business:

Next Meeting:will be held on the 2nd Saturday in December at 9am on the 9th.

Peter thanked the members for their attendance.

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