of meeting held on Monday 18th June 2007.
At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.



1.                   PRESENT 

Ros.Balston, Jan Bickerton, Mary Cleary, Violy Geist, Ian and Heather Gall, Doreen Beard. Alex Dunn and Vince Scouller.


2                     APOLOGIES


Barbara Rathmell




3.1. Moved by Jan Bickerton and seconded by Mary Cleary that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as read.                                                                                                       CARRIED


4.             BUSINESS ARISING


4.1 Tourist Officer Doug Henning advised that signs to the information centre already exist in Dalby St., approaching from the Dalby side, [although trees obscure them] but there are none coming from the opposite direction.
Council are not in favour of more signs but he will see what can be done.


4.2 President Ros will try to arrange the next museum workshop for September.


4.3 Michael Wood has still to look at kero lamps to see if these can be converted to electric lamps.





5.1 Vicki Warden                                            Re date for next visit

5.2 Wambo Shire Council                               Confirming availability of a computer.

5.3Vicki Warden                                             Emails on merchandising opportunities &

                                                                                                “Collections Care”

5.4 Wambo Shire Council                                 Thanks for assistance re Sunrise Visit




6.1 Wambo Shire Council                                            Re possibility of a used computer

6.2 Wambo Shire Council                                 Payment for landscaping

6.3 Wambo Shire Council                                 Contribution towards moving shearers quarters

6.4 Vicki Warden                                             Payment for workshop

6.5 Members & Volunteers                              24 letters Roster/update on collections.




7.1 Violy Geist advised that the computer from Wambo has been delivered to the Library.

7.2 It was resolved that Ros contact Vicki Warden & try to arrange a workshop in September.


8                      TREASURER’S REPORT


Bal B/F                                    $4562.38

Income                                       207 .75

Expenditure                              3446.21

Balance                                    $1323.92


The large expenditure this month was due to the moving of the shearer’s quarters & paving.


Moved by Violy Geist and seconded by Heather Gall. That the treasurer’s reports be accepted as circulated and all accounts be passed for payment                             CARRIED.


9.                   GENERAL BUSINESS


9.1  President Ros advised that Ian & Heather Gall had applied for a grant of up to $1000.00 through Graincorp. If successful this money would be used on the shearers quarters.

9.2  An application for a Com. Gov.Grant of up to $3000. has been made. This money, to be used for the help of volunteers, will be spent on the purchase of a mower.

9.3  Doreen Beard has donated a knee rug for a raffle prize. Tickets will cost $1.00 and it will be drawn on 15th.August.

9.4  It was resolved that we try and obtain sponsors for the new floorboards required in the shearer’s quarters. President Ros is to contact Ron Woods to get a quote for this job so that we can ascertain what price to charge.

9.5              To raise funds Jan Bickerton suggested a “branding day” and sausage sizzle. On this day graziers etc. will be able [for a price] to burn their brands into a specially prepared log. This would not only advertise their property but would create an historical record.

9.6  Jan Bickerton advised that the pepper tree had been damaged during the shed moving. She offered to prune this with a hope, but not a promise of revival.

9.7  Following the success of the Australia Day morning tea it was resolved to put in a date claimer for this day

9.8  It was resolved that a time limit be put on the time we hold and display donated items, this and a guide line for items is to be discussed next meeting.

9.9  Pres Ros is still to see Cassy Skinner re cost of printing a brochure, while the Sec. is still working on the sites to be shown.

9.10          Doreen Beard showed some “Dickey’s”. These came from Miss E Cameron, long time resident and Prop. of the old “Lovell’s” store. It was resolved to have these mounted and displayed. Violy Geist advised that Doug Henning had advised of insurance problems if they were to be displayed in the information centre. Ian Gall advised that he had some old frames that would be ideal for displaying them . He would see Doreen who could then contact Col Binding re having them mounted

9.11          No word has been received from Tom Bradley re the repairing of the trough. Ian Gall has information in some old books. He will research and report next meeting.

9.12          President Ros advised that she would contact Geof.Hedrick re applying Penetrol to the roof of the shearer’s quarters.


10           CLOSE


As there was no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20.pm.




The next meeting will be held


6th. August 2007

At the Community Centre

Heritage Assn Clubs Map Services Events Citizens