Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Monday1st.October 2007                                                               At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.



1.                   PRESENT 

Ros.Balston, Dr. Tony Balston [chair], Mayor Mick Cosgrove, Jan Bickerton, Betty Wassell, Councillor Tom Bradley, Councillor Daryl Donald, Sally Maunder, Violy Geist, Heather Gall, Ian Gall, Peter Ireland, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Mary Cleary and Vince Scouller.


2                     APOLOGIES


Ron and Margaret Curd, Beryl McKenna, Jenny Rennick.


3          WELCOME


Dr. Tony Balston welcomed all present and said that he was happy to be a part of the evening even if it was under threat from Ros.


4                     MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on Monday 30th. October 2006


Moved by Jan Bickerton and Seconded by Tom Bradley that the minutes of the previous AGM be confirmed as read.                                                                                   CARRIED




Vince Scouller advised that in line with new Government regulations it was no longer necessary to use the services of Qld. Audit Services so item 11 in the minutes was not fulfilled.


6                    PRESIDENTS REPORT


Moved by Ros Balston and seconded by Jan Bickerton that the Presidents Report be accepted as read. (Copy attached)                                                              CARRIED


Mayor Mick Cosgrove congratulated President Ros and the members for all the work that they put into the community. He said that Council was happy to see the development of Athlone Cottage and that it is now a pleasure to go there.


Councillor Bradley said that the site sets a great standard and the effort put into it can be seen by all, despite early detractors it has turned out better than anyone thought.


7                    TREASURERS REPORT.


Treasurer Violy Geist presented the annual report [copy attached], which showed a deficit of $2628.83 and a bank balance of $1159.22. With Council help more paving had been completed and the Shearers Quarters had been moved on site. Next year we will also have lower insurance premiums and no Audit fees, which will help considerably.

Mayor Cosgrove advised that with the Council amalgamations due next year February would be the deadline for Grants under the present Community Grant Scheme. Think now, as he has no idea of how the new system will operate.


8                    ELECTION of OFFICE BEARERS


Chairman Dr. Tony Balston declared all positions of the Jandowae Progress & Heritage Association Inc. vacant and called for nominations.

Position                      Candidate                   Proposer                     Seconder



President                     Ros Balston                 Jan Bickerton              Mary Cleary


Vice President             Jan Bickerton              Ros Balston                 Mary Cleary


Secretary                     Vince Scouller             Betty Wassell               Ros Balston


Treasurer                    Violy Geist                  Heather Gall               Jan Bickerton


As there were no further nominations Dr. Tony declared all candidates duly elected, and handed the reins over to President Ros.

In thanking everyone President Ros stated that she was concerned over small communities within the new ‘super councils” and that in future we will be needing a much stronger voice to not only grow but to survive.


9                    VOTE OF THANKS


In moving a vote of thanks to Tony, Jan Bickerton stated that everyone knew of how much work Ros puts into the community and that somewhere along the line he was the one missing out, we are all thankful of his chairing the meeting tonight.





Moved by Ros Balston and seconded by Sally Maunder that fees be set at Individual $2.00

                                                                                                                    Family      $5.00




Councillor Daryl Donald was invited to address the meeting regarding the coming council amalgamations. He gave a brief outline on his interpretations of the effects of a super shire.

The coming plebiscite won’t change anything but will show solldarity with the other Local Government Bodies. The transition committee has been selected and is meeting fortnightly,

the main concern at the moment is the employment of staff. He said that he would also like to endorse the words of Mayor Mick and Councillor Tom regarding the association and that while President Ros might not have a strong voice she can certainly use it effectively.


13        CLOSE


President Ros thanked Councillor Donald for his report and his continuing help along with the other Council Members.


The next meeting of the Association is set down for the 29th. October. 2007.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm.

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