Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Monday 12th September, 2011


Present:  Darryl Donald, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Jan Bickerton, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder, Ros Balston.


Apologies:  Darcy Maunder, Margaret Atkinson, Violy Geist.


Daryl declared the meeting opened and welcomed all present.  As there was not a copy of  last year’s annual minutes they are to be read at the October meeting.


President’s Report:  Daryl presented his report.  The association has had a quieter year and concentrated on finishing off various projects and we have carried out investigations to allow for extra storage facilities and for the possible expansion of the complex. Australia Day celebrations are becoming more successful each year and they have become an important function on the Jandowae calendar.  Catering has declined as our main function is the upkeep and maintenance of our displays.  The work on the creek has been completed and members were thanked for their contributions to this project.  The volunteers were thanks for giving freely of their time and energy.  Storage facilities in the form of some sort of a garden shed are needed.  Work on the baker’s oven has come to a standstill.  The council has been approached to acquire the block of land and houses adjacent to the complex.  Daryl thanked the whole committee especially Chris Cooper (treasurer) and Ros Cooper (secretary) for their wonderful contribution over the last 12 months.  They will be sadly missed.  Daryl moved this report for adoption.  Seconded Ros Balston.  Carried.


Treasurer’s Report:  Jan Bickerton presented the annual report of Income and Expenditure.  The reconciled bank balance is $5,293.70 and the Term Deposit is $6,653.72. Total funds available are $11,947.42. 


All positions were declared vacant and nominations for President were called.  Peter Ireland was nominated by Jan Bickerton.  Accepted. 

Vice Presidents – Jan Bickerton was nominated by Ros Balston.  Accepted.  Ros Balston was nominated by Sally Maunder.  Accepted. 

Secretary – Heather Gall was nominated by Ros Balston.  Accepted.

Treasurer – Ruth Sargent was nominated by Jan Bickerton and Jan accepted on her behalf.


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