Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 10th September, 2012
Jandowae And District Progress &Amp; Heritage Association Inc.

Present:  Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ian and Heather Gall, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Tony Brame

Apologies:  Ros Balston, Margaret Atkinson, Ruth Sargent, Violy Geist

Minutes:  Peter welcomed Tony and declared the meeting opened.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved and seconded Beryl that the minutes be accepted as read.
Correspondence:  Heather moved and Margaret seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.
Treasurer’s Report:  Jan presented Ruth’s report and the Cr. balance is $10,575.97 as per the Cash Book and the Reconciliation Statement.  The Term Deposit balance is $6,974.42.  Jan moved this report for adoption.  Seconded Peter.

President’s Report:  Peter thanked Tony for chairing our meeting.  Once again the Australia Day Celebrations were a great success.  He thanked Carolyn Tillman for being our guest speaker.  We had a Taco stall at the Rotary fete and hosted a Church Service at Timbertown.  The heritage precinct was open for most of the Timbertown weekend.  A storage area is still required.  The restoration of the old school building built in 1887 has been our main project.  We need to raise approximately $15,000 ($11,000 asbestos and $9,000 removal fees) and we need to gain Council approval. $5000 from Powerlink has been received.  Council agreed to remove the baker’s oven because it was beyond repair.  This was a unanimous decision to remove the oven.  Memorabilia has been forthcoming from Jeitz and Widdon families.  A DVD of Vince Scouller’s historic photos was given to Peter by Terry Parker and copies were kindly made by George Sturgess.  Peter thanked the executive for their support.

Ian congratulated Peter on the excellent way in which he has conducted the business of the association.

Tony congratulated the association on our achievements and offered his help to get the asbestos removed and the old school relocated. 

All positions were declared vacant and nominations were called. 

PresidentPeter Ireland nominated by Jan Bickerton, Seconded Doreen.  Accepted.

SecretaryHeather Gall  nominated by Doreen Beard.  Seconded Ian Gall.  Accepted

TreasurerRuth Sargent  nominated by Jan Bickerton.  Seconded Peter Ireland. Accepted by proxy

Vice Presidents- Ian Gall nominated by Jan Bickerton. Seconded Doreen Beard. Accepted

Jan Bickerton nominated by Ian Gall.  Seconded Beryl King.  Accepted


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