Minutes For Annual General Meeting
Held On 14/10/2013 for Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present: Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ian and Heather Gall, Beryl King, Ros Balston, Margaret Atkinson, Sally Maunder, Daryl Donald

Apologies: Betty Wassell, Doreen Beard, Ruth Sargent

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting.

President's Report: Peter thanked Daryl for chairing our meeting. He said the year has been difficult for him as he has had to postpone or miss so many meetings. This is not good for the Association. Peter thanked all the helpers who keep the organisation going — the helpers in the garden, the helpers at working bees and the office bearers. Thanks also to Jade Ehrlich who repaired the windmill and to the Budden family for the photos of the Sparkes family and the Lyndley property. George Sturgess kindly transferred movies on to DVD's showing the history of the sawmilling industry in the district and also the valuable photos collection put together by Vince Scouller. It was disappointing that our application to QGC for funding to proceed with the school project was unsuccessful. $1045 was gratefully received from the slot machine at the Jandowae Hotel. Once again our Australia Day Breakfast was a great success despite being transferred to the Hall. The Burra Burri School children spent a morning enjoying the cottage and they were very interested in the history of the site. Owing to a generous anonymous donation of $20,000 we are now able to proceed with the relocation of the first Jandowae school. Rotary also gave a generous donation of $2850 to go towards the restoration of the school. The school is now asbestos free and will be moved in the near future. Mark Hill has been a great help in preparing the building for removal and he has offered to remove the vinyl cladding when it is relocated. The major challenge for us is to attract more people in the community who have an interest in Jandowae's history to join our group. Peter thanked the committee and all who have supported him throughout the year. Peter moved this report. Seconded Ros

Treasurer's Report: Peter presented Ruth's report. The Cr. Balance as per the Cash Book and the Bank Statement is $15,091.07. Income $25,911.13 and Expenditure $21,396.03. This report was moved by Sally and seconded by Margaret. The fixed deposit is $15,500.91.

Daryl declared all positions vacant and nominations were called.

Daryl congratulated the committee and wished us all the best for the next year. Peter asked Daryl to inform the Timber Town Committee of what we are trying to accomplish at the heritage precinct and how desperately we need to get the community more involved.

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