4 Farm Produce
All exhibitors will pay the gate entrance fee—No Entry Fee —No Prize Money (Also see Conditions)

Chief Stewards: J. Loechel, W. Dalzell. Ph: 4669 1972

Trophies: Champion Cotton Bush Donated by COTTON AUSTRALIA; Champion Sheaf in classes 21 - 26 donated by GOSDEN JORDENSEN SEEDS
Grain Collage, Under 10 years and 10-16 years, both donated by ELDERS JANDOWAE; Champion Exhibits Grain, Classes 1-5 donated in memory of Albert Nauschutz, by R. & T. NAUSCHUTZ
Champion Exhibits Grain Sorghum Classes 11-13, donated by ROBINSON & Co.— Hybrid Sorghum Classes 19-20 donated by PRIMAC JANDOWAE
Champion Exhibits Legume Seed and Other Sheaves, classes 27- 31, both donated by JANDOWAE ACCOMMODATION PARK
Champion Exhibits Fodder Sheaves, Classes 32-36 donated by RON & JANELLE WOODS
Most Points classes 6-10 donated by DEACON SEEDS —Most Points Fruit & Vegetable, Classes 37-82, donated by CHESTERFIELD MACHINERY

Any exhibitor desiring information concerning his/her exhibits after completion of judging may, by arrangement with the Stewards of the section, receive an introduction to the judge.

Farm Produce —Fruit & Vegetables.

Information about judging is available upon application to the Secretary.

Grain Collage - 30cm x 30cm, glued on, using an assortment
of different grains—Own theme—Free entry.
1. Under 10 years of age.
2. 10 to 16 years of age

1. Wheat - any recognised variety.
2. Collection of wheat, 2kg each variety, to be named
and not less than three distinct varieties.
3. Oats - any current variety.
4. Barley - Malt.
5. Barley - Feed.
6. Sunflower - Bird seed.
7. Sunflower - Oil seed.
8. Millet - White French.
9. Panicum/Panorama
10. Any other small seed not mentioned.

11. Hybrid Sorghum - Red coloured seed
12. Hybrid Sorghum - Bronze coloured seed.
13. Collection of grain sorghum seed, 2kg each variety to be named
& not less than 3 distinct varieties.

14. Chick Peas
15. Mung Beans
16. Cow Peas - any variety.
17. Edible Beans - any variety eg Soya/ Navy beans
18. Collection of all farm seeds.

19. Hybrid Sorghum - med/quick variety eg. MR Goldrush
20. Hybrid Sorghum - med/long variety eg. Buster, MR43
21. Wheat Sheaf
22. Barley Sheaf.
23. Oats Sheaf.
24. Sunflower - Oil seeds (6 loose heads)
25. Sunflower - Bird seed (6 loose heads)
26. Millet Sheaf. (Panicum/Panorama/White French Millet etc.)

27. Chick Peas - bush.
28. Mung Beans - bush.
29. Cow Peas - bush.
30. Other edible bean - bush.
31. Cotton - bush with fruit or flowers.

32. Forage Sorghum Sheaf.
33. Rhodes Grass Sheaf.
34. Buffel Grass Sheaf.
35. Green Panic Sheaf.
36. Grass Sheaf - any other grass variety.

All exhibits in this section must be grown and produced during the current growing season.
37 Potatoes—English 3kg.
38. Potatoes - Sweet 3kg.
39. Onions - 2kg
40. Pumpkin - Sweet or fancy (pair)
41. Pumpkin - Any other table variety (1)
42. Collection of Pumpkins, one of each variety, not less than 3 varieties.
43. Most unusual Pumpkin
44. Largest Pumpkin (1)
45. Squash - white/yellow bush (2)
46. Squash - any other variety. (2)
47. Marrow - Vegetable.(1)
48. Zucchini (2)
49. Collection of Marrow & Squashes.
50. Grammas (1)
51. Watermelons (1).
52. Rockmelons.(1)
53. Pie Melons (1)
54. Collection of melons - one each class.
55. Carrots - bunch of six (6)
56. Radish - bunch of six. (6)
57. Eschalots - bunch of six (6)
58. Beetroot - bunch of three. (3)
59. Lettuce (1).
60. Collection of Gourds
61. Silverbeet - bunch of six (6)
62. Rosellas - plate of twelve. (12)
63. Rhubarb - bunch of six. (6)
64. Tomatoes - ripe with stalks (3)
65. Tomatoes - green with stalks (3)
66. Cucumbers - long (3)
67. Cucumbers - apple (3)
68. Cucumber - any other variety (3)
69. Collection of cucumbers - one of each variety,
no less than three varieties.
70. Chokos (3)
71. Beans - bush/runner - bunch of twelve on plate.
72. Chillies (6).
73. Capsicum (3)
74. Collection of chillies & capsicums
75. Parsley - bunch (in water).
76. Mint - bunch. (In water)
77. Any other vegetable not mentioned.
78. Collection of vegetables (1m x 1m) no pumpkin, squash or marrow.
79. Lemons (3)
80. Persimmons (3)
81. Any other fruit not mentioned.
82. Collection of fresh fruit of each variety - not less than 4 varieties.
83. Hen's Eggs—1 dozen white.
84. Hen's Eggs—1 dozen brown
85. Hen's Eggs—1/2 dozen - any other variety.
86. Bantam Eggs—1/2 dozen.
87. Duck Eggs—1/2 dozen.
88. Turkey Eggs—1/2 dozen.
89. Honey—liquid 500gr (approximately)

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