Fine Arts Section

CHAMPION PAINTING: will be judged from the winners of all sections, except Special Section. Sale entries may be priced for sale — 15% to the Show Society. Chief Steward to make the sale. 

ENTRIES DEADLINE:  12:00 noon WEDNESDAY  before the Show. Entries after this time will incur a $2 penalty. 

ENTRIES:Maximum of two entries per person, per section. 

FRAMING: Exhibits must be properly framed and able to be hung safely. "D" hooks are essential. Stewards reserve the right to reject exhibits considered unsafe.

EXHIBITS must be labelled on the back with Artist's name, address and phone number; Title of works, Medium of artwork. Class being entered and Sale price or "Not for Sale".  The Show ticket is to be attached to the front of the artwork.

SIZE LIMIT:  Maximum 100cm x 100cm.

AGE: Artwork to be no more than two (2) years old.

EXHIBITOR: Each exhibit must be the original work of the exhibitor.  The exhibits must NOT have been awarded a prize at a previous Jandowae show. N.B. Original work means that the entry must not be copied, however the committee is not responsible for establishing authenticity.

Wet Paint Work: will NOT be accepted.

NOVICE SECTION: an artist ceases to be eligible to enter this section after winning a first prize anywhere.

All reasonable care will be taken with each exhibit but works shall at all times be at the risk of the entrant.  No responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage to the exhibit.

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