Conditions for
Prime And Commercial Cattle
All exhibitors will pay the gate entrance fee.
  1. Cattle may only be taken out of pen after 3PM on the day of the show.
  2. Cattle to be judged on domestic or export markets.
  3. The stewards are empowered to reject any exhibit which, in their opinion, is not worthy for exhibition as prime cattle.
  4. All cattle rejected must be removed as directed by the stewards.
  5. In the event of the judge deciding that the exhibits in any class are not worthy of a prize, no prize will be awarded.
  6. To enable the necessary yard accommodation to be prepared, each exhibitor of prime cattle must, when forwarding entries, state on entry form, the total number of cattle he/she will be sending to the show. No cattle can compete in any additional class for which they are entered on the entry form. If cattle are entered in the wrong class, they will be moved to the class they are suited to.
  7. Entry must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor.
  8. Cattle must be penned by 8AM on Saturday.
  9. All cattle must be dehorned or tipped except Vealers.
  10. Stewards will be available to receive cattle from 6.30 am.
  11. All cattle will require a NLIS ear tag and will be read onto the showground's PIC number and read off the showground's PIC number
  12. Prime & Commercial Cattle Schedule Show Society Clubs Services Events