5 Culinary
All exhibitors will pay the gate entrance fee—No Entry Fee—No Prize Money unless otherwise stated (Also see Hints & Presentation)
Chief Steward: MRS J Mittelstadt, 4668 5667 Stewards: MRS B Lindenberg, MRS M Berghofer

Trophies: Most Points Over 70 Years donated by MRS I GRUNDY; 10 Years & Under donated by MRS L KROG Classes 1 - 24 donated by MRS S WILSON
Juvenile Section donated by MRS G NAUSCHUTZ Sections B—E donated by MRS B LINDENBERG and N F & F SCHUMANN
Champion Exhibit Classes 1-24 Donated by JANDOWAE NEWSAGENCY; Juvenile Section Donated by MRS J MITTELSTADT in memory of Mr H Kennedy
Boiled Fruit Cake Class 18 Donated by JINGHI VALLEY QCWA

$10— First Prize; $5—Second Prize
PineApple and Macadamia Loaf— 450g can of pineapple pieces, 1 cup SR Flour, ½ cup caster sugar, 1 cup desiccated coconut, 1 cup macadamias (toasted & chopped), 1 egg lightly beaten, ½ cup milk
Grease and paper 14cm x 21cm loaf tin. Drain pineapple well, discard syrup, chop pineapple. Sift flour into large bowl, stir in pineapple and add remaining ingredients. Mix well, spread into prepared tin. Bake in moderate oven approx. 45 minutes. Stand for 10 minutes before turning out on to a cloth covered wire rack to cool.
$10— First Prize; $5—Second Prize
Date Loaf— 1 cup chopped dates, ½ cup brown sugar (firmly packed), 2 tablespoons butter, ½ teaspoon bicarbonate soda, 200m1 boiling water, 1 egg, ¾ cup SR Flour, ¾ cup plain flour, 1 teaspoon ground ginger. Place dates, sugar, butter and bicarb. soda in a mixing bowl. Pour boiling water over and mix well. Allow to stand until almost cold. Add beaten egg. Sift dry ingredients together and add gradually to mixture. Mix well. Pour into a greased bar tin and bake in a slow to moderate oven for 40-50 minutes.
Division A
Entry cards to be stapled to paper plates.
Bar Tin: approximately 9" x 4 ½" x 3" or 22cm x 8cm x 11cm
1 Plain Scones (6)
2 Pumpkin Scones (6)
3 Pikelets (6)
4 Jam Drops (6)
5 Plate of Biscuits (6)—two each of 3 varieties
6 Gingerbread
7 Muffins (6) any variety (no packet mix)
8 Plum Pudding - Boiled in cloth
9 Plum Pudding - Steamed
10 Date Loaf
11 Small cakes - patty tins - un-iced
12 Chocolate Cake - bar tin - iced on top only
13 Orange Cake - bar tin - iced on top only
14 Cinnamon Tea Cake
15 Health Loaf—
1 cup bran, ¾ cup sugar, ¾ cup sultanas, 1 ¼ cups milk, ¾ cup chopped dried apricots, 1 ½ cups SR Flour— Mix bran, apricots, sultanas, sugar and milk. Let stand for 2 hours or over night. Sift flour and add to soaked mixture, stirring well. Place in greased bar tin. Bake in a moderate oven for approx 1 hour.
16 Packet Cake - any variety
17 Sponge Sandwich - jam filled - not iced
18 Boiled Fruit Cake - square or round 20cm tin
19 Pumpkin Fruit Cake - 20cm round tin
20 Slice - Baked (6) - any variety
21 Slice - Unbaked (6) - any variety
22 Machine Made Bread
23 Any other variety cake e.g. carrot, banana, coconut etc.
24 Novelty Iced Cake
All jars must have a screw top which is easily removable for judging. Jars must have two labels —one on the bottle and one on the lid. Do not cover entire jar with labels
25 Lemon Butter
26 Grape Jam
27 Peach Jam
28 Tomato Jam
29 Fig Jam
30 Apricot Jam
31 Any other variety Jam
32 Any other variety Jelly
33 Any other variety Butter
All jars must have a screw top which is easily removable for judging. Jars must have two labels —one on the jar and one on the lid. Do not cover entire jar with labels.
34 Sweet Orange Marmalade
35 Grapefruit Marmalade
36 Three Fruit Marmalade
37 Any other variety Marmalade
All jars must have a screw top which is easily removable for judging. Jars must have two labels - one on the lid and one on the jar. Do not cover the entire jar with labels.
38 Mixed Pickles -Mustard
39 Tomato Chutney
40 Tomato Sauce - bottle not jar
41 Tomato Relish
42 Pickled Onions
43 Any other variety Chutney
44 Any other variety Relish
45 Any variety Preserves
46 Any variety Mayonnaise
Entry cards to be stapled to paper plates.
47 Marshmallows (6)
rolled in coconut - 1" (25mm) square
48 Chocolate Fudge (6) 1" (25mm) square
49 Plain Toffee (6) - patty papers
50 Coconut Ice (6) 1" square
51 French Jellies (6)
52 Rocky Road (6)
53 Rum Balls (6)
Must be the work of the exhibitor
Age to be on entry card—16 years and under or 10 years and under
54 Plain Scones (6)
55 Pikelets (6)
56 Chocolate Cake - bar tin - iced on top only
57 Small Cakes - Patty Papers - iced not decorated
58 Muffins (6) Chocolate Choc Chip
Recipe: 90gm butter (melted), 2 ½ cups SR Flour, ½ cup cocoa, ¾ cup caster sugar,1 egg (lightly beaten), 1 1/3 cups milk, 1 ¼ cups chocolate chips (save some for the top)
Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add other ingredients and mix well. Spoon mixture into greased muffin tins and place saved choc chips on top. Bake in a moderate (200°) oven for 25minutes. Turn out on to wire rack to cool.
59 Packet Cake - any variety
60 Slice - unbaked (6)
61 Anzac Biscuits (6)
62 Chocolate Fudge (6) - 1" (25mm) square
63 Toffees - Plain (6) - patty papers
64 Rocky Road (6) -1" (25mm) square
Entries to be displayed on white paper plates.
Child's name to be attached.
65 Kindergarten: Decorated Milk Arrowroot Biscuits (4)
66 Prep- Year I: Decorated Milk Arrowroot Biscuits (4)
67 Year 2-3: Decorated Gingerbread Men (2)
68Year 4-5: Decorated Patty Cakes (6)
69Year 6-7: Edible Necklace (made from lollies, macaroni, dough etc.)
70 High School: Novelty Decorated Cake (Decoration only to be judged)
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