Monday 2nd July 2007

Apologies. Celie Jeitz, Maree Cameron, Bill Hoare, Kylie Brownhall.


In attendance: Lester Mittelstadt, David Greenup, Ivan Grundy, Neville Schumann, Margaret Atkinson.


No minutes from previous meeting as Margaret was absent from meeting.


Margaret read incoming mail. Moved Margaret, seconded David.


Margaret advised that the request for a grant from FRRR for $10000 was not granted.


Margaret advised that we would soon be receiving a grant for $7000 from the Government once they received our Certificate of Expenditure. The certificate has been prepared by Kylie, just needs Presidents signature and posting.


Agenda:  Discussed motor bike racing. Name then changed to Motor Bike Novelty events.

Fencing and area to be used was discussed at length. It would be advantageous to the Show Society to run this event if the Pony club were to pursue the obtaining of portable fencing. David has been discussing this with Lisa Gall from the Pony Club and members of the Showground committee. Ultimately the fencing lies with the Showground Committee. Ivan expressed concern of securing portable fencing so that it would not disappear. How to do this would be addressed if and when we had the fences in place.

Kylie is going to speak to a person from Chinchilla with a view to managing the event. Neville advised that we have to ensure we are covered.

Insurance issues of same was discussed, Lester is going to check with Lindsay if Motorcycle Aust. will cover it. Margaret is advising QCAS.


Kylie has advised that she is negotiating with the suppliers of a portable Rock Climbing Event and portable Bunjy Jumping event. Costs and feasibility are being investigated by Kylie.

As the next Show is the 60th Show it was greed that we need to do something memorable.


The musician Mr. Terry Arnold has been booked for the 2008 Show.

MacDonalds Farm has also been booked.

The Puppet Show has been booked.

Margaret to check if she has booked magician.


As the next meeting is our annual general meeting, Margaret will advise Kylie to have the books done by accountant for presentation at AGM. Kylie to contact B.M.O.


Margaret to prepare flyers about AGM and distribute.

Margaret will put ad in local magazine about AGM as it is distributed by the 2nd Aug and the AGM is on Monday the 6th August

Meeting closed 8 .50pm


Next meeting.AGM. 7.30 pm Monday 6th August. Cultural Centre. Supper to be served. A plate would be appreciated.

Margaret Atkinson

Secretary 3rd July 2007.

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