Jandowae and District Show Society Meeting
4th September 2006
opened 7.40 pm
Chair David Greenup.
Apologies: Janine Luck, Bill Hoare, Kay Grundy
Present: Ross Gersekowski, Maree Cameron,( Vice President) Ivan Grundy, Neville,Schumann,(Patron) David Goodup (Vice President) Celie Geitz (Vice President), Bill Dalzell, Margaret Atkinson(Secretary).

David Greenup nominated Bill Hoare (in absence, and in prior agreement with Bill Hoare) as President. Seconded by Ivan Grundy. Carried

Minutes of AGM and previous meeting as recorded by Lilian Krog, read by Margaret Atkinson. Moved M. Atkinson. Seconded Ivan Grundy. Carried

Correspondence in: Newsagent account $13.45, Post Office Account $79.22, BMO Accountants $485.00 Various offers of show entertainment, (to be assessed at later date). Department of Local Gov. Planning, Sport and Recreation. Grant of $7,908.

David Greenup moved bills be paid. Seconded Ross Gersekowski Carried

Treasure’s Report:
Opening balance: $4241.20 (not including V2 account)
Membership fees $ 85.00
Donations $ 34.00
Total$ 4645.80
Less expenses Bank fee August $10.00
Cash book balance $4635.80
Cheques to be presented $760.35 1242 Show Manag.
V2 account balance$9984.00

Kylie Brownhall moved Treas.Rep be accepted. Seconded Maree Cameron. Carried

General Business.
Money raising
Celie has approached Bowls club re venue for Melbourne Cup day. Cost $60 for venue.. Kylie and Maree will investigate and look at feasibility of either Bowls Club or other venue.

Kylie will canvass local businesses for donation of goods for raffle.

Celie will look into organizing a street stall.

Margaret will put signs on various notice boards around town inviting people to become members.

Maree discussed lack of entry fees for pavilion items which resulted in lack of prizes which resulted in less interest in placing entries. A stewards meeting will be held on the 18th Sept at 7.30pm to discuss entry fees, any changes to schedule, sponsorship for different sections (this will assist in correcting current schedule). Margaret will draw up a letter inviting Stewards to attend meeting. Please note there is a time limit for entry into the schedule which is Oct 16, 2006.

David requested that Lester attend next meeting to quote on Rodeo. All agreed.
Celie advised that Carolyn Middlestat will do the Show Girl event again this year. A date to be determined.

Kylie will provide a report at next meeting giving a breakdown of cost of each item of entertainment with a view to drawing up a budget. Margaret will bring mail from potential entertainers.

Ross offered the loan of his cooking demo. van if we could bring someone in to do the demo.

It was suggested that AG FORCE be involved at the next Show.

All the above and more to be discussed more fully at next meeting on 2nd October.

It was agreed by all members that minutes be entered on the www.Jandowae.com for people to familiarize themselves with our activities, and hopefully raise our profile

The meeting closed at 8.45pm

Minutes recorded by Margaret Atkinson

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