Secretary’s Report
5th March 2007

Insurance has been paid. and various other bills, including Chinchilla News for printing the Show Schedules.

Posted Space forms to McIntosh and Sons, Dalby Tractors, Ray Higgins, Pickwicks Hot Potato and others.

Troy Brownhall will try and organize the hosing of the Pavilion on the 20th or 21st March.
wants to know if both bars would be going at once the Rodeo started and who will help?
Will sound out prices with the 3 pubs to decide on who will supply the drinks.

Karel Brownhall offered to run the Kindy drinks stall. Karel also wants to sell chips and chocolates as well as drinks and it was agreed that this was OK. They have offered $150 for the privilege.

Vince Scouller doesn’t think he will be attending woodwork as Steward but if he is he will be glad to help.

Distributed schedules to post office, newsagent, cultural centre, gift shop, Saddlery at Dalby and Maree Cameron. Have posted numerous schedules on request.

Attended meeting regarding termites at Showground 8/2. Observed termites in Pavilion. Leonie Gadsby will send letter re termites to Show Society.

Purchased drinks for Rotary fete stall at Dalby, Chinchilla and 5 Star Jandowae.
Placed in Graeme Nelson’s and Kylie's fridge for chilling.

Rotary and Lions invited to attend Show and have a stall.

Invited Sheila and Roy Campbell to attend Show as Chief Stewards. Have since spoken to Sheila who has agreed to come and reminded me of problems occurring last year that have since been addressed

Corrected error on Centre page in the Show Schedule and changed 1000 dates from 31st to 30th March. With the help of Betty Cap and others.

Kerry Bowman rang to say she would not be overseeing the hot food this year but would contribute a hot chicken dish.

Lorraine Keating, Ice Cream Vendor, rang to say she wants the usual spot at end of Pavilion.

Posted 21 Show Schedules, together with an invitation to President’s lunch, to all Show Presidents and secretaries of the Darling downs.

Contacted various people to assist with judging for Tara Show. Waveny Skinner and  Lilian Krog will judge needlework. Ruth Sargent will judge horticulture, (excluding flower arrangement). Bev Lindenberg will judge cooking and requires a lift from Warra.. Hopefully  Doreen Nauschutz will judge craft work, however she lives at Haden and may not be able to do it due to petrol costs.

Clarified to Black Toyota what we will do with their $100 Sponsorship.

ANZ Bank phoned to say they would give $150 worth of goods in lieu of cash.

Kylie and Maree and Janelle and David attended the Rotary drinks stall. Few drinks sold due to wet and cold weather.

Ordered Port a Loo for other side of Showground from Master Hire in Dalby

Confirmed that Security would definitely be there on the night of the 31st.

Arranged with Ros Balston to use Athlone Cottage for judging of Miss Showgirl in all categories. Ros lent an urn and table and Jan bought extra chairs. Caroline Mittelstadt organized everything else with assistance from others including Janelle and Celie, with afternoon tea at the cottage.

Attended judging where Mick and Cheryl Cosgrove were judges of the 30 Show Princesses contestants .

Sue Wilson coordinated applicants forms and sponsers and afternoon tea at Athlone Cottage and assisted with organizing the Show dinner and sold tickets and took table bookings. The dinner  was successfully held at the Golf Club Sat 3rd March..

Lillian Krog has written to the judges about judging Hack,Pony and Led classes at the Show

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