Jandowae Show Society
Meeting Monday 6th August 2007

Present: Bill Hoare, David Greenup (President), Maree Cameron (Vice-President), Celie Jeitz (Vice-President),  Kylie Brownhall(Treasurer), Neville Schumann(Patron), Margaret Atkinson(Secretary), Sue Wilson(Vice-President), Janelle Mittelstadt, Nancy Evans, Ivan Grundy.

Apologies: Bill Dalzell

Minutes read by Margaret, moved by Margaret, seconded by Kylie. Carried.

Discussion arising from Minutes. - Janelle Mittelstadt will look into feasibility of Motorbike, novelty events, and talk to Craig Hartley to see if he will run it. Some discussion regarding an area well away from the horses and cattle. Margaret to discuss insurance with QCAS. Further discussion of this matter next meeting.

Correspondence read by Margaret, moved by David, seconded by Maree.

The Guild has replied to a letter from Margaret saying that they are to meet on 7th August and will advise Jandowae whether or not they will attend Jandowae Show in 2008 and whether they will be bringing the Rock Climbing Wall that we have requested.


Treasurers Report .Kylie submitted same. Moved by Kylie, seconded by Neville.

Kylie advised the meeting that she would do a breakdown of expenses to see if there are any areas where we can save money.


Kylie to check previous figures to find out amount of money to be paid to Secretary and Treasurer.

General Business

Kylie has been liaising with the Pacific Fly Motion who are portable Bunjy jumping for hire. There are various options regarding costs to consider and Kylie will negotiate best option for us to take. It is considered to be an ideal attraction for young and not so young people.

As it is our 60th Show coming up we hope to have an area that includes Show memorabilia. Sue Wilson will bring the 1950 Show Schedule to the next meeting for ideas.

Margaret to update Life Members list in Schedule. It is hoped that a luncheon that includes all life members will be able to be organized at the 60th Show.

Bill has suggested more personalisation of sponsor and trophy giving. To be looked into.

A fund raising idea was put forward, in that we devise a letter to be sent with membership fee letter requesting donation or sponsorship for a specific event or attraction and a specific amount. This letter would be in the form of a half page flyer. To be discussed more full at next meeting.

Numbering entrance Show tickets with the object of winning a prize if at the Show at time of drawing,   was agreed upon. Various Electrical Appliances Stores in Dalby or Toowoomba be approached for donation of perhaps a large TV. or similar.

Celie will look into the feasibility of a street stall as a method of fund raising.

Oktoberfest.  Kylie to contact Lions to see what they may want us to do to help or if they need an attraction that we might provide.

Next Show Society meeting 3rd September. 7.30pm Cultural Centre

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