2009 Annual General Meeting
for Jandowae and District Show Society Inc. (7/9/2009)

Present: Sue Wilson, Donna Tanner, Ivan Grundy, Neville Schumann, Celie Jeitz, Margaret Atkinson, David Greenup, Janelle Mittelstadt, Lillian Krog, George Sturgess, Heather Gall, Lester Mittelstadt, Nancy Evans, Megan Cartwright.

Apologies: Kylie Brownhall, Gary and Maree Krog, Katy Grundy.

Meeting chaired: by Neville Schumann.

Presidents Report: read by David Greenup. N Schumann congratulated D Greenup on such a comprehensive report and commented on the hard work and contribution that D Greenup has made to the Show. The report be accepted was moved by I Grundy, seconded by L Mittelstadt. Carried. .

Minutes Of Previous AGM: Read by M. Atkinson. The minutes as read be accepted was moved by L Krog, seconded by C. Jeitz. Carried. .

Treasure's Report: presented by M Atkinson in place of retired member K. Brownhall. The report be accepted was moved by G Sturgess , seconded by S Wilson. Carried. .

Election Of Office Bearers:
President: D. Greenup nominated by M. Atkinson, seconded by L. Mittelstadt Carried.
Secretary: M. Atkinson nominated by L Krog, seconded by J. Mittelstadt Carried.
Treasurer: D. Tanner nominated by M. Atkinson, seconded by D Greenup ( H. Gall will stand in for the treasurer during the month preceding the show, and assist the treasurer if required.) Carried.
Vice Presidents:
S. Wilson nominated by L Krog seconded by G. Sturgess. Carried.
C Jeitz nominated by M Atkinson seconded by S Wilson. Carried.
M Cameron nominated by M Atkinson seconded by I Grundy. Carried.
C Sherrard nominated by M Atkinson seconded by N Evans. Carried.
Patron: N Schuman announced he would not accept nomination but nominated L Krog as his successor; seconded by S Wilson Carried.

Membership Fees: to remain the same. The schedule entry is to be changed to say “Family pass, is Mother and Father and school children " This information will also be noted on the membership fees letter.

Gate Entrance Fee: to remain the same.

Audit Report: completed by Aland and Co.. The report be accepted was moved by M Atkinson , seconded by L Mittelstadt. Carried.
Aland & Co. to be used as auditors in 2010.

Secretary Stipend : $1000 to be paid to M Atkinson. Moved by L Mittelstadt, seconded by G Sturgess Carried.

Treasurer Stipend : $400 to be paid to K Brownhall. Moved by S Wilson, seconded by H Gall Carried.

Meeting Closed at 8.15pm.

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