2010 Annual General Meeting
for Jandowae and District Show Society Inc. (August 2nd)

Present: Lillian Krog, Margaret Atkinson, David Greenup, Heather Gall, Donna Tanner, Maree Cameron, Katy and Ivan Grundy, Sue Wilson, Neville Schumann, George Sturgess, Ian Rasmussen, Michael and Amelia Wood, Clint Nelson, Gladys Franz.

Apologies: Reverend Carolyn Sherrard, Kate and Ian Russell, Nancy Evans, Jess Flynn, Gary and Maree Krog.

Meeting chaired: by Lillian Krog.

Presidents Report: read by David Greenup, moved as adopted by I. Grundy seconded by G . Sturgess Carried. .

L. Krog congratulated D Greenup on the report and thanked him, on behalf of all the members for his valuable contribution to the Show Society.

Minutes Of Previous AGM: Read by M. Atkinson. The minutes as read be accepted was moved by N Schumann, seconded by H. Gall. Carried. .

Treasure's Report: presented by D Tanner. The report be accepted was moved by D Tanner , seconded by D Greenup. Carried. .

Auditor: D Tanner to investigate ways to reduce costs, including engaging a new auditor for 2011.

Election Of Office Bearers:

President: Ian Rasmussen nominated by M. Atkinson, seconded by S. Wilson Carried.
Secretary: M. Atkinson nominated by L Krog, seconded by H. Gall Carried.
Treasurer: D. Tanner nominated by I. Grundy, seconded by N. Schumann. Carried.
Treasurer's Assistant: H. Gall to act during March 2011 moved by M. Atkinson, seconded by D. Tanner. Carried.
Patron: L. Krog nominated by M. Atkinson, seconded by G. Sturgess. Carried.

Vice Presidents:
M Cameron nominated by H. Gall seconded by G Franz. Carried.
S. Wilson nominated by M. Atkinson seconded by M. Cameron. Carried.
I. Grundy nominated by D. Tanner seconded by L. Krog. Carried.

Membership Fees: to remain the same. Moved by G Sturgess, seconded by K Grundy. Carried.

Gate Entrance Fee: to remain the same. Moved by D. Tanner, seconded by S Wilson. Carried.

Secretary Stipend : $1000 to be paid to M Atkinson. Moved by I. Grundy, seconded by G Sturgess Carried.

Treasurer Stipend : $400 to be paid to D Tanner. Moved by D. Greenup, seconded by M. Cameron Carried.

Meeting Closed at 8.30pm.

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