Minutes 1st March 2010 for Jandowae and District Show Society Inc.

Present: Margaret Atkinson. Heather Gall. Rev. Carolyn Sherrard. Katy Grundy, Ivan Grundy, Neville Schumann, Donna Tanner, David Greenup, Nancy Evans, Janelle Mittelstadt;
GUESTS: Janine and Paul Sands

Apologies: Ian and Kate Russell, Lillian Krog, George Sturgess, Maree Cameron, Celie Jeitz, Gladys Franz, Ruth Sargent.

Minutes Of Previous Meeting: Read by M. Atkinson. The minutes as read be accepted was moved by K Grundy, seconded by N Schumann. Carried. .

Correspondence: Read by M Atkinson Moved as accepted by M Atkinson, seconded by C Sherrard. Carried. .

Treasurer's Report : Read by D Tanner and included the results from the Rotary drinks stall and Miss Show Girl dinner . Moved as accepted by D Tanner, seconded by K Grundy. Carried.

          ·  Accounts for payment be paid Moved by D Tanner seconded by K Grundy. Carried.

Agenda Items:

·         Preparations for Show: Working bee Sat 13th March, Grandstand needs cleaning from Rotary night and railings repaired as they were broken by vandals; K Grundy and L Krog will organize morning tea for working bee; Janelle suggested the cooking section be organized on working bee day; following CWA request, the Backing Sheets will be checked..

  • Person To Shop For Show Needs, will be arranged by Secretary
  • Repairs To Pavillion, Mike Wood has fixed electric problems. Ron Woods has put more skylights in Pavilion to improve lighting. Ruth Sargent advised Margaret that shelving in horticulture had been done. Toilet repairs on track and finished apart from a few minor details.
  • Vote Of Thanks, the Committee and members gave a vote of thanks to Ivan , George, Alan King, Clive and David and all other volunteers in repairing the toilet block.
  • Toilet Door Lock, is still unresolved
  • Council Grant , the Council has now paid the $2500 grant, which in future this will be on Council Agenda as an annual donation, so saving the annual effort of officially requesting it. Margaret has written and thanked Councillor Charlene Hall for her assistance.
  • Alcohol Tender For The Show , sent to all three pubs by Secretary
  • Night watchman , needed for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night.. Ivan will do Wednesday night and Garry Baines, Ted Ryan and Peter Kelly will cover remaining shifts.
  • Toilet Duties ,will be done by Peter Kelly, and Gary Bains, with Judy Kelly assisting with ladies toilet.
  • Liquor Accord Meeting , attended by M Atkinson. Mark Avent will keep and eye on the Show Grounds during the week prior to and on Show day. During the meeting, Elise Gallagher Clinical nurse from Chinchilla, ,donated $100 to the Show Society.
  • Crime Prevention Bus , Sergeant Mark Avent advised that Dalby Police will have the bus at the Show and will be doing sample breath tests for a gold coin donation to raise money for Jandowae State School Camp to be held in Canberra.
  • Get Well Card , will be sent to Lillian Krog following her recent illness.
  • Horse Ribbons , will be organised by K Grundy and L Krog. C Jeitz has donated a large amount of felt Show Ribbons, which will be put to use in various ways, e.g. for Swaggies.
  • General Maintenance , application has been made by the Secretary to the Western Downs Council for ‘In Kind’ assistance to fill pot holes with crusher dust, water spray roads and any other general maintenance of the Show ground.
  • Hack Ring Named , Angus Lane will announce the new name of Master Hire Hack Ring following sponsorship by Master Hire.
  • Mr Gerekowski’s Kitchen, currently in care on a farm has been requested by D Tanner to be used in a cooking demonstration by school children on Show day and will be delivered to the pavilion.
  • Stewards Lunch To be provided on Friday by C Jeitz, who has asked Stewards to each bring a slice to help with providing the lunch.
  • Hosing Out Pavilion, the Secretary will ask the Jandowae Fire Brigade to clean the pavilion 9th March.
  • Media Coverage, Nancy Evans advised that the Show will be featured in The Northern Downs News on Thursday 18th March and The Dalby Herald on Friday 12th March
  • Main Bar, needs more gold coins for the float
  • Rodeo Bar, Bruce Thomas will staff
  • BBQ, Helen Cronin will help
  • Guess The Weight Competition, D Greenup will arrange the bull, and the Secretary will invite Graeme Nelson to run the competition
  • Pavilion Door Watch, Sue Wilson until 11 am, then relieved by C Sherrard , who will be relieved by someone arranged by the Secretary.
  • Show Day Timetable, (subject to change) Pet Competition 12 noon; Childrens Cooking Demonstration ( The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Cooking demo Grades 4-7)1 pm; Grand Parade 2 pm; Fashion Parade (Western Traders & Millers Dalby) 3.30 pm; the Dog Jumping Competition 5 pm.. With ad hoc Shearing Demonstrations and Magical Shows.
  •  Entrance Gate the Secretary will invite Rotary to supervise as usual, with D Greenup to invite the Jandowae Football Club to make up for any staff shortages. 

Next Meeting at the Cultural Centre as directed.

Meeting Closed: 9 45 pm.

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