Jandowae & District Show Society
Minutes Monday 1st December 2008

Present: Margaret Atkinson, Neville Schumann, Donna Tanner, Gladys Franz, Celie Jeitz, David Greenup. Ivan Grundy

Apologies: Kylie Brownhall, Maree Cameron, Sue Wilson, Lillian Krog, Katie Grundy

Previous Minutes: Read by M. Atkinson;  moved as accepted by M. Atkinson seconded N. Schuman. Carried

Correspondence: Read by Margaret. Moved  as accepted by Margaret, seconded by D. Greenup. Carried

Treasurer Report:  To be presented in January as Kylie Brownhall, the treasurer, is absent from meeting      


Schedule Changes:  Gladys and Donna have made some revisions to their section and added  2 new categories: A junior section and a Scarecrow competition. 

                                 Some changes are still outstanding.

Quilting Steward: Margaret reported that she had written to the President Craft club asking for a volunteer.

                                The reply was that they will come up with someone to do the Stewardship (i.e. paperwork) by January and that everyone else will chip in and assist at the time.

New Treasurer:  Kylie will continue to do the work of the Treasurer until such times as a replacement is found.

Entertainment: It was decided to book Mel Sprenger as our magician for next year as he is $200 cheaper than previous one

                         The Pink family in Jandowae do have various forms of entertainment and will be considered if and when we find out if the Guild is coming.

                       Margaret to check the QCAS website for available entertainment and book if appropriate after first running past David Greenup.


Maintenance of Pavilion:. Ivan Grundy and David Greenup will assess the display stands with a view to replacement and/or repainting.  

                                            Once assessed, a working bee will be gathered to carry out necessary repairs.

                                            We may need to spend up to $2,000 but very much needed and the money has been put aside.

Painting The Office:             Will be considered.                               :

Meeting closed at 8.30.PM

Next Meeting: Monday 6th January 2009.



Show Society




