Minutes Monday 3rd September

Apologies Maree Cameron, Katy Grundy, Sue Wilson.


Present Celie Jeitz, David Greenup, Margaret Atkinson, Janelle Mittelstadt, Kylie Brownhall, Ivan Grundy.


Previous minutes read by Margaret, seconded by Ivan.


Correspondence, in and out, read by Margaret seconded by Kylie.


Treasurers report Moved by Kylie, seconded by Ivan.


Agenda:- Oktoberfest will be held 29th September. The Committee has offered any assistance needed. David will check with Ina Russell what help is required and report back.


Janelle is still investigating the logistics of holding the motorcycle event.


Melbourne Cup. A Melbourne Cup lunch will be held whether there is a race or not. We hope to have stalls and a quiz and prizes and lucky door and a great raffle prize. Maree Cameron advised that she has booked the Bowls Club for that day. We will also consult with Katy Grundy for any fun things she may think of, which might include a fashion parade.


Kylie advised that the Musician Kerry Arnold from Chinchilla has confirmed booking for our Show.


In regard to the luncheon at the Show for life members etc. Margaret moved we send   an invitation to the Governor. Seconded by Kylie. We need to know numbers for this lunch, plus look into catering needs.


Margaret advised that she has sent in the Insurance relief to the Wambo Shire Council and request for a grant of $5000 under the Community Programs— (also see Margaret's Report).

Kylie advised Clifford Gardens has donated a gift which needs to be collected by someone who is next in Toowoomba.

Margaret will be absent from next meeting, Kylie to collect key on that day.

Meeting closed 8.45pm

Next Meeting Monday 1st October.

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