Jandowae & District Show Society
Minutes Monday 6th April 2009

Present: David Greenup, Katy Grundy,  Lilian Krog, Neville Schumann George Sturgess, Sue Wilson, Margaret Atkinson, Kylie Brownhall, Celie Jeitz,  Donna Tanner, Janelle Mittelstadt.

Apologies: Ruth Sargent, Maree Cameron, Ivan Grundy.

Previous Minutes: Read by M. Atkinson;  moved as accepted by M. Atkinson seconded G. Sturgess. Carried

Correspondence: Read by M. Atkinson. Moved  as accepted by M. Atkinson, seconded by L. Krog. Carried

Peggy Greenup requested that prize cards have some uniformity in colour. This will be discussed at Stewards meeting.       

Treasurer Report:  Moved as accepted by K. Brownhall, seconded by M. Atkinson. Carried


 1: Post Show Review. It was generally agreed that Show went well, with the bar doing particularly well as people stayed on the grounds till   1.30am listening to music and dancing.

As Luck Ford let us down this year and Black Toyota didn’t, we will invite Black Toyota next year; with 6 weeks notice they will bring a fleet of cars.

David Greenup reported that the unauthorized raffle at the Rodeo was to raise money for an injured Rodeo rider. There was no objection, but it was noted that courtesy requires asking permission from Committee.

It was agreed that the puppeteer will not be booked again as he uses inappropriate language for children; instead Mel Springer the Magician will be booked again for next year.

It was agreed that some entertainment was very expensive but the cost was justified as only a one off.

David Greenup thought it would be a good idea to write a piece for the magazine stating the actual costs to put the show on.

The Kindy was granted permission to put in for a grant to refurbish the drink stall.  

 2: Stewards Meeting: J. Mittelstadt will organize Stewards Meeting ASAP while events are fresh in our mind to suggest changes.

 3: Thankyou:  To Heather Gall for the great job she did as assistant treasurer.

 4: Annual Return to be completed by M Atkinson with the help of K Brownhall.

General Business: K Grundy suggested a working bee to change toilets around so as to have a disabled toilet by utilising  a scheme she had devised. All agreed it was a good idea.

Meeting closed 9pm

Next Meeting: Monday 1st June at 7.30pm at the Cultural centre.




Show Society




