Show Committee Minutes
April 7th 2008

David opened the meeting and congratulated everyone on the success of the 60th Annual Show.


Kylie, Brownhall (Treasurer), Neville Schumann (Patron), David Greenup (President), Margaret Atkinson (Secretary), Katy and Ivan Grundy, Sue Wilson (Vice President), Maree Cameron (Vice President)

The Committee welcomed Darren Cartwright as a new member.


Celie Jeitz (Vice President)


Previous Minutes: Read by Margaret, moved by Margaret, seconded by Ivan. Carried.

Correspondence (in and out);

Read by Margaret, moved by Margaret, seconded by Maree, Carried.

Margaret to reply to any letters that need a reply.

Treasurer’s report: Presented by Kylie, moved by Kylie, seconded by Neville, Carried.

Accounts for payment presented by Margaret, moved by Kylie, seconded by Maree. Carried.


The lack of a spotlight for the BBQ became obvious on the night of the Show. David has offered to supply one next year.

It was decided to continue to hire the BBQ from Rotary at a cost of $30.00 each year.

A suggestion was made that as photography has become so popular, we may increase categories, e.g. humorous and include more junior entries.

At Sue’s suggestion, the canteen will add snacks such as chips or slices to their evening menu.

Margaret is hoping to have Heather Gall and Ann McNamara to do the space at the Show next year. Not finalized yet.

The Amenities supervisor is to be kept on an extra hour next year at Rodeo time.

Point system to be standardized across the board as some stewards are using different methods of awarding Points. This is to be discussed and resolved at a Stewards meeting prior to next years Show.

Stewards will be requested to collect and tag their own trophies from the office for each section. Stewards will also be asked suggestions on how they can refurbish their own section.

Margaret will supply ‘exhibit’ tickets, ‘trophy tickets’ and 1st, 2nd Prize, Champion and Highly commended, prior to Show week upon request so that many can be done beforehand and save time. Please see Margaret if you require yours. 

Due to lack of availability of the truck there has been a delay of getting the Rodeo benches back to Dalby Showground. However this is to be done this Sunday morning. Darren has offered to assist with this.

David gave Margaret a list of more people to be sent a thank you letter for their contribution to the Show...

Kylie advised the gate takings were $5340. Which is good considering no horses and membership is up, which is not shown at the gate.

It was agreed to pay the Scouts $150 for clean up on Sunday. The Uniting Church $150.00 for the luncheon. (Margaret Wilson donated all the ingredients). CWA $100.

Neville suggested always keeping cattle near grandstand as many enjoyed watching the. David will consider this.

Maree advised that the Art section made an extra $127 for the Show on entry money and commission from selling a painting. They had 74 Art entries.

Margaret will be attending the next Showground committee meeting. And suggest they get one multi roll dispenser in each toilet block. Also an electric power point does not work in the store room behind the pie warmer.

A discussion was held about ideas for next years Show. Katy had lots of good ideas. This year we will attempt to have a street stall selling home made cakes to raise funds. We need a person solely in charge of lights. More helpers in the office to do particular chores, such as Trophies.

Janet from Elders will not be a steward next year.

Margaret thanked everyone for all the help they gave her at Show time in the office.

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