Minutes 11th January 2010 for Jandowae and District Show Society Inc.

Present: George Sturgess, Margaret Atkinson, D. Greenup, C. Jeitz, Sue Wilson, Kate & Ian Russell, Nancy Evans, D. Tanner, K & I Grundy, Rev C Sherrard.

Apologies: Lillian Krog, Heather Gall.

Minutes Of Previous Meeting: Read by M. Atkinson. The minutes as read be accepted was moved by M Atkinson, seconded by K Grundy. Carried. .

Correspondence: Read by M Atkinson Moved as accepted by M Atkinson, 2nd by George Sturgess. Carried. .

Treasurer's Report : Read by D Tanner . Moved as accepted by D Tanner, seconded by M Atkinson. Carried.

Accounts for payment. Paid.

General Business:
M Atkinson to send sympathy card to Mrs. Dalzell on behalf of Show Society.

Rodeo: M Atkinson to book ambulance

Woodwork Judge. No luck so far. Kate Russell nominated Ian Russell. Ian may be otherwise engaged on the 20th March but will assist if he can. Max Reddick was suggested and C Sherrard will contact him.

Best Pet Competition Megan Cartwright requested to have a Best Pet competition. This was accepted and Megan will do all the organising including seeking sponsorship. M Atkinson to write letter of authorization from Committee for Megan to request sponsorship.

Entertainment. Rock wall: M. Atkinson to obtain as well as set charge for each climb. Magician: M. Atkinson to book Garry Williamson, of Mad Magic down Under

Sponsorship. 37 invitations sent to various businesses in Jandowae and Dalby asking for sponsorship or donations or services

Schedule: M Atkinson advised the meeting of the technical problems involved with the printing of the schedule, which have since been corrected. Kate Russell has very kindly proof read the draft and this should be ready to be sent to printers this week. Various confirmed events to be included in the schedule.

Advertising: The meeting agreed to have radio advertising, plus an advert for Miss Showgirl dinner on 20th February and the Show on the 20th March, in the February issue of the Jandowae Magazine . M Atkinson to send feature article on the Show to the journalist Nancy Evans.

Melbourne Cup Lunch: Poor Profit this year. Various suggestions put forward as how to overcome the problem. It was decided to wait until Melbourne Cup time next year to discuss the issue.

Miss Showgirl: The Miss Showgirl dinner to be held on the 20th February, with entrance fee to be $15 and $40 for a Family of Mum, Dad and kids. S Wilson has arranged for the CWA to cater. Sue will book venue at the Golf Club and will obtain judges.

Working Bee: 6th February (Day after Rotary fete) M Atkinson will bring cake for morning tea and C. Jeitz will supply sandwiches. Ivan and George and David will check what needs to be done, which must include repairs to public toilets. M Atkinson will contact Ruth re: shelving for horticulture

Next Meeting: 7.30 PM at the Cultural Centre on Monday 1st February 2010.

Meeting Closed: 9 pm.

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