Minutes Monday 12th November, 2007

Apologies: Celie Jeitz, Ivan and Katy Grundy, Clint Nelson, Janelle Mittelstadt

In attendance: Kylie Brownhall, Neville Schumann, David Greenup, Mare Cameron, Sue Wilson, Margaret Atkinson.


Previous minutes read by Kylie. Moved by Kylie, seconded by David. Carried.

Correspondence: Read by Margaret, moved by Kylie, seconded by Maree. Carried


Treasurer’s report presented by Kylie. Kylie moved, Maree seconded Carried.  Kylie advises that after all expenses a  profit of $933 was made at the very successful Melbourne Cup lunch. A thank you to all involved for the hard work and management of the whole event.


General business.


Ian Gall advised that a safe has been donated on a loan basis to the Show Ground anagement Committee . Mr and Mrs Peter and Libby Kensington have lent the safe to ensure that it always stays in Jandowae and that this arrangement will ensure that the safe will remain in Jandowae even after the amalgations. This will be invaluable on Show day and at Race meetings and at any other time that finances are involved.. Margaret to send thank you letter on behalf of Show Society and Showground Committee..


Di Bidstrup advised that she has resigned as Art Steward but still wants to continue to give donation to the Show from her and her husband..


Katy Grundy will be doing fashion parade at the Show.


A discussion on enviro bags. Members decided it was not cost effective, money better spent elsewhere.


All Stewards to be invited to next meeting. Margaret to invite. Some Schedule information has been given to Margaret, but not all.


Sue Wilson suggested we have a display of antique craft, knitting (or other) as a display only. All agreed and this will fit in with our hall of memories for the show. Sue also advised that the promotion etc of Show Princess would begin after Christmas. Thank you Sue.


Margaret to re-design membership forms which includes an invitation to sponsor certain amounts for the Show. When this is done Margaret will post them out.


David will talk to Lester.


Next meeting December 3rd and all stewards requested to come.

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