Margaret’s report
Show Meeting 3rd December 2007

Previous minutes emailed or posted to the committee members.

The Safe: is on more or less permanent loan to the Show ground Committee of which Margaret is a member (according to Leona Gadsby). The safe will be placed in the tiny room in the office at the Showgrounds. Margaret will do a sign to be stuck on it to say that the owners of the safe are Peter and Libby Kensington and the safe is never to be removed from Jandowae. This ensures that the safe is there for the use of the Show Society on Show day and for race meetings to hold cash. Margaret has written a thank you letter to the Kensingtons.

 Space requests starting to come in. One from GOBIZ and one from KATO Crystals. Forms sent.

Circa 40 sponsorship letters sent to our regular donors and 20 invitations to potential donors. The letters have been revamped with incentives that will hopefully attract more funds. Potential donors are given the opportunity to support the community that supports their business.

Attended the Sub Chamber Committee meeting with Lilian, at their AGM the elected members were:

President John ?—Vice Presidents Damien…?. and Peter ?—Secretary Pat Tynan —Treasurer Adele ?—Chamber Delegates Damien ? and John ?

Three guest speakers attended who included: Assistant Commissioner of Qld Ambulances Mr. Leo McNamara; and Peter Taylor, government spokesman for the merging of councils ( see )

 Much discussion on the cost of having the ambulance on site for Rodeo, consequently Mr. Leo McNamara is attending the Jandowae meeting on 3rd Dec. to give us a run down on all things pertaining to ambulance attendance.

Mr.Simon Goddard, representing the DPI attended and there was  a lengthy discussion on the effects of the equine flu on Shows. While it looks as though we can have our horse events, the cost appears beyond the means of Jandowae Show Society’s budget. And it would not be possible for the entrants to absorb the exorbitant associated costs.

There was much discussion on zones and the changing of colours of the zones from red to amber to green and then transporting horses across zones and so on. He spoke of their long term plan of having all horses micro chipped. But this does not help us and our Show at this time.

The outcome of the discussion meant for Jandowae horse events was that we would have to have a holding bay outside of the town. We would have to have a vet to examine all the horses before being allowed in. Each horse owner would have to have an “Application for events” form signed by the DPI to say that the horse was fine. Then we would have to have a horse expert on hand to look at the form and then confirm that the horse described on the form was actually the horse present! A fence of sorts would have to be erected and a project manager to co ordinate all of this. The DPI said they would ‘probably’ be able to send someone to give some assistance for a period of that day. If by chance someone did bring in an infected horse, there would be a shutdown for at least two weeks and Jandowae would have to accommodate all the horse owners and their horses as no one would be allowed to move until the DPI gave permission.

He did say local horses can be at the Show. I do not know at this stage what ‘local’ means in terms of boundaries. Margaret will contact DPI to get written instructions of the process.

Margaret will write a letter of protest to DPI voicing concern of the effect on our Show.

Next was a lengthy discussion by Mr. Peter Taylor, Chairperson Transition of amalgamations, from Toowoomba Regional Council. He is currently the Jondaryn Mayor and has been seconded to do this job. He said that it would seem at this stage that Shows would continue as usual. Committees could lobby councilors and the sitting council for support as they now do. He was in charge of the recommendations and this would be including the importance of continuing shows for regions. He said we, the people, should continue to lobby and put in recommendations as we do now. It was suggested that secretaries write to the Minister

He also suggested that secretaries write to the Minister Mr. Warren Pitt thanking him for the grant we received as he likes to get letter of thanks and that may ensure future subsidies; Margaret has done this.

Pat Tynan requested that all stewards give Pat Tynan names and addresses and phone numbers of all judges please to keep her list up to date.

Sent Tax invoice to Edgar & Wood for Bronze sponsorship of $100.

Minutes 3/12/07 Show Society Clubs Map ServicesEvents Citizens