toy train

Jandowae Miniature Railway Club (MELSA)
Meets After Running Day (Market Day, 4th Sunday) see Jack Lockhart on 4668 5103

Aim: — The aim of our club is to bring together people of all ages and occupations, who have an interest in the building and operation of model/miniature devices, some powered by steam.

History: — Jandowae Model Engineers and Live Steamer's Association was formed in 2004. Work began on the track in 2005 and with the support of local service clubs. businesses, and Wambo Shire , Council, (now Western Downs Regional Council), the track was laid in 2006.

The first official running day took place in conjunction with the Timbertown festival in June 2006.

model train and operator circa 2009

Location: — Jandowae Miniature Railway is located in ; the Lions Park in the centre of town.

Meetings: — The club meets at the end of play on our running day at the markets, Jandowae Lions Park. Any persons interested in the objects of the association and being prepared to pay the associations annual subscription. Membership is subject to approval by the management committee. Application forms are available from the Secretary, and prospective members and visitors are always welcome to come and have a chat.

Membership fees: — Membership Fee: $30 Couple $35; Junior membership $10

For further information, enquiries may be directed to: The Treasurer, 38 Hickey St, Jandowae Q 4410

A Miniature Train Ride In Jandowae: — Be, a passenger on our train, come ride with as the Driver blows his whistle, we hear the hiss of steam and we head off around the bend. Past the garden bed and the vintage tractor in its shed. Clickity clack around the track, and there is Athlone Cottage and the old Jandowae Hotel. We travel on towards the creek, and steam through the switchback and along through an avenue of trees. We swing around the last curve and past the unique turntable built by our Club Members. The driver blows the whistle, closes the valves and applies the brakes. and we stop at the platform. We hope you enjoyed your ride. Thank you for travelling with as.

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