Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch AGM Minutes (15/5/2013)

The Annual General meeting of the Jandowae & District Neighbourhood Watch was held at the Cultural Centre on 15th May at 7.30.p.m.

Present: Councillor Tony Brame, Sergeant Mark Avent, Philip & Margaret Atkinson, Bevan & Mary von Cronholm, Ray & Daph Polzin, Brian & Ann McNamara, Acting Sergeant Annie Johnstone, Bob & Cynthia Harling & Dudley Cronin.

Apologies: Helen Cronin.

Minutes moved by Ann McNamara, seconded by Bob Harling. Carried.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer, Ray Polzin reported an opening balance of $366.97. Also a closing balance of $ 366.97. Moved by Ray, seconded by Brian McNamara, Carried. Area Coordinator, Councillor Tony Brame gave his annual report, which he moved, seconded by Ray Polzin, carried.

Ann McNamara presided over the election of office bearers for the coming year.

Area Coordinator: Margaret Atkinson nominated Councillor Tony Brame, seconded by Brian McNamara. Accepted.

Secretary: Ann McNamara nominated Margaret Atkinson, seconded by Ray Polzin. Accepted.

Treasurer: Brian McNamara nominated Ray Polzin, seconded by Cynthia Harling. Accepted.

Meeting closed 7.15.p.m.

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