Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Minutes (15/5/2013)

Present: Councillor Tony Brame, Sergeant Mark Avent, Philip & Margaret Atkinson, Bevan & Mary vonCronholm, Ray & Daph Polzin, Brian & Ann McNamara, Acting Sergeant Annie Johnstone, Bob & Cynthia Harling & Dudley Cronin

Apologies: Helen Cronin

Minutes moved by Bob Harling, seconded by Ann McNamara. Carried.

Business from Minutes: Daph Polzin advised she had purchased reflective house numbers from Bunnings at a very reasonable price. Annie Johnstone spoke of the solar numbers that were also available. Confusion still exists over Eva Street.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer, Ray Polzin reported an opening balance of $366.97. Also a closing balance of $ 366.97. Moved by Ray, seconded by Bob Harling. Carried.

Police Report: Sergeant Mark Avent's report:

Several severe domestic disputes.

One grevious bodily harm where the victim was air lifted to the P.A. hospital. Two drink driving offences, the highest being 0.135%.

Several Break & Enter offences at Aleis factory, the S.E.S. shed, the Bowls Club, & the Kindy.

Drug raids in Dalby & Jandowae, where some of the stolen property was recovered. Senior Constable Rod Thurn will transfer from Bell to Toowoomba, and a farewell will be held at the Exchange Hotel on Thursday, 30th May at 6.00 p.m.

The new Constable will commence duty in September.

Acting Sergeant Annie Johnstone spoke on revitalizing the N.H.W. and the need to lock everything up. She stated there was a fine of $33 for an unlocked vehicle.

General Business:Margaret Atkinson spoke on the R.V. signs on the outskirts of town. Cr.Tony Brame informed the meeting that he was hoping to have a new ablutions block built at the show grounds, and bitumen surface for the caravans.

Ann McNamara was critical of the road adjacent to the dam on the Dalby road during times of flood.

It had also been noted that the incinerator had disappeared from the dump.

Next meeting: Wednesday, 14th August, 2013 at the Cultural Centre at 7.00 p.m.

Meeting closed 8.05 p.m.

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