Jandowae Police Report 14/2/2017
by Mark AVENT, Sergeant 10781 Officer in Charge Jandowae Police

Jandowae Police have recently intercepted a number of adults & children not wearing bicycle helmets within the township; all community members are expected to obey the law and wear bicycle helmets when cycling, in particular, parents need to set an example to our youth. If you are spoken to by Police for the offence of not wearing a helmet you will be issued a Traffic Infringement Notice Penalty $117. The only exemption is if you have a head injury and can produce a current medical certificate.

Bell Races — On Sunday 8th January, 2017 at about 12.30am Sgt AVENT & S/C HORN observed security to move on a number of patrons that were still in the vicinity of the licensed area after the bar had closed. Police observed a male person abusing security staff, Police in full Police uniform approached and told the co offender to move on, this male started walking off stating "you are just doing your job."

At this time a male co-offender has screamed out "Who the f*** do you think you are." and without warning has lunged himself at S/C Peter HORN and violently pushed S/C HORN. Sgt AVENT & S/C HORN grabbed hold of the deft whilst security attempted to restrain his co-offender. The aggressive male punched S/C HORN in the back of the head with a clenched right fist; he was struggling so violently that he and the 2 Police Officers crashed through a number of plastic chairs and fell to the ground heavily. Whilst on the ground the male threw a series of punches at Police and continued struggling; he had hold of Sgt AVENT's shirt by the collar and was pushing and pulling the Police shirt with force causing pain to the Officer. Police had difficulty in restraining the deft as he had abnormal strength and continued struggling violently. The deft was eventually overpowered and Police managed to handcuff him.

Police walked him to the Police car approx 50 metres away while he was screaming abuse yelling. "Let me go you f****** dogs." There were a number of patrons and volunteers in attendance who were appalled by this behaviour. Police attempted to seat the deft in the rear of the marked Police vehicle, he continued struggling refusing to get into the Police vehicle. Police had to wrestle him into the vehicle and were unable to put a seatbelt on him as he was thrashing about and banging his head into the plastic rear screen. Police instructed the male to stop headbutting the screen or he would be sprayed with capsicum spray.

He was transported to the Dalby Police watchhouse and lodged in the cells and was given an RBT at the watchhouse reading 0.199%. He showed no remorse for his actions whatsoever and was later released on Bail to appear at Dalby Magistrates Court on 21/2/2017.

Injuries — S/C HORN swollen right hand, sore right shoulder cuts and abbrasions to both knees. Sgt AVENT cut to right finger, cuts and abbrasion to right & left knees, grazing and scratches to right shin.

On Saturday 14th January, 2017 at about 6.00pm Jandowae Police were called to an incident where a 60-year-old female was located lying on the footpath outside the Old Picture Cinema in an intoxicated state after leaving one of the licensed hotels. On this occasion she was not locked up but driven home by Police and dealt with by way of intoxication diversion. Police remind all staff at licensed establishments they must comply with Responsible Service of Alcohol & Duty of Care laws.

On Monday 23rd January, 2017 a disturbance occurred on High St, Jandowae outside the tyre shop, 2 males aged 80 & 74 were involved in a heated argument, swearing & verbally abusing each other. This type of anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated but on this occasion due to the offender's age a round table meeting was held at the Police Station with both offenders & Sgt Mark AVENT. Police warn any person creating a Public Nuisance or swearing will be fined heavily. Penalties are $365 in a public place, $731 in or near licensed premises.

Senior Constable ELLIS is relieving at Dalby Police Station until further notice.

If you require Police assistance ring Policelink Ph: 131444, we have staff available 24/7 to take your call and provide advice. If urgent your call will be transferred to your nearest Police Communications Centre; if you have a life threatening emergency or are in danger ring 000.

You are not welcome to walk around the station or yards of Police residences unless you are in immediate danger. Utilise Policelink or attend the Police Station during Office Hours for routine matters. There is always an officer on duty or on call to assist you for urgent Police related matters.