Jandowae Police Report
by Mark AVENT, Sergeant 10781
Officer in Charge Jandowae Police 4668 5320 (18/2/2014)

Old Police Officers are now issued with Polo shirts for operational duties.

On 7/2/2014 Police were recalled to duty as an intoxicated male was sleeping on Warra St, Jandowae. Police drove the offender home on this occasion & he was issued a $330 fine for being disorderly. Police investigations reveal the offender was drinking at one of the Hotels & a check of the Hotels register indicates after hours trading, this matter has been forwarded to Liquor Licensing for investigation.
Police would ask all licensees to have one of their staff in a position to drive patrons home & make sure they get home safely, all licensees are required to practice RSA at all times.

On Thursday 13/2/2014 & Saturday 15/2/2014 offenders have gained entry to the swimming pool after hours, female underwear & alcohol have been located at the scene. Police will commence patrolling the swimming pool nightly & any offender found trespassing will be arrested.

On 8/12/2013 Police were called to Brigalow St, Jandowae in relation to a Domestic Disturbance, a male person was charged with Breaching a Domestic Violence Order as he had grabbed his female partner by the throat during a heated argument. The offender involved was convicted at the Dalby Magistrates Crt on 7/1/2014 and fined $1,000.
On 20/01/2014 a violent Domestic incident occurred at Warra St, Jandowae. A female allegedly stabbed her male partner in the face with a screw driver, this incident is still under investigation.

Over the school holiday period a Burglary has occurred at the Jandowae State School, the following property was stolen —

If you have any information that can assist Police in identifying the offenders involved or recovering the property stolen, please contact Jandowae Police or phone crime stoppers anonymously on Ph: 1800 333000.

On 01/01/2014 at 12.50am a female driver was intercepted on High St, Jandowae, the driver was detained by Police after providing a positive roadside breath test, the driver was transported to the Dalby Police Station where she was breathalysed, the driver was charged with Drink Driving - Reading 0.207%. On 21/01/2014 the driver was convicted at the Dalby Magistrates Court and disqualified from driving for 11 months, fine $1,100.
On 5/1/2014 a male driver on "P" Plates was intercepted on the Dalby Jandowae Rd after being detected on Radar travelling at 178km/h in a 100 km/h zone. The driver was issued a Traffic Infringement Notice for speeding, Penalty $1,026 and 8 demerit points. His drivers licence is now suspended.
On 14/2/2014 a male driver was intercepted on George St, Jandowae, , the driver was detained by Police after providing a positive roadside breath test, the driver was transported to the Dalby Police Station where he was breathalysed, the driver was charged with Drink Driving - Reading 0.077%. On 16/2/2014 at about 11.30am a male person driving a Black Commodore sedan was observed drag racing with a motorcycle at High speed along the Jandowae Connection Rd, this matter is under investigation. Any person found drag racing or operating a motor vehicle dangerously will be charged & their vehicle impounded.
17/1/2014 at 9.02pm a male was intercepted on High St, Jandowae, Police investigations reveal his drivers licence was suspended due to demetrit points, he has been charged.
17/1/2014 at 10.30pm Police received a number of calls in relation to possible shots being fired at the intersection of Hickey & Myall St's Jandowae. Police Patrols revealed offenders were illegally letting off fireworks, further Patrols located a vehicle & a youth riding a trail bike heading from the township towards the Jandowae Dam, the rider of the motorcycle evaded Police and did not stop, the onboard video camera in the Police vehicle clearly identified the 14 year old male driver of the unregistered trail bike. Further Patrols located the youth & the motorcycle at a residence on High St, Jandowae.
The youth involved was returned to the care of his father and he will be interviewed at a later date & dealt with under the Youth Justice Act in relation to a number of traffic offences and alleged fireworks offences. The motorbike has been impounded by the youth's father & is held at the Police Station until further notice.

Police have received a number of calls for service in relation to offenders breaching the peace & playing loud stereos, I would ask all community members to have consideration for their neighbours & keep their music down to a dull roar, in particular keep the base music turned down as this can be heard several streets away. Any resident breaching the peace is liable to a $220 fine or they can be detained and placed in the watch house.

Jandowae Police1 Officers have commenced conducting push bike patrols of the township & surrounds, we will be paying particular attention to the school zones to ensure safety of students in & around the school grounds at all times.

A/Senior Constable WARD will be officially sworn in by A/Inspector Lance GUTERIDGE of Dalby Burnett Patrol Office, Principals Tony BARTLETT, Jandowae S.S. & Principal Janet BALDOCK Burra Burri S.S. on Thursday 6/3/2013.

If you have a non urgent matter to report to Police, you can call Policelink on Ph: 131444, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Non urgent matters include lost property, stealing matters, traffic complaints, neighbourhood disputes, noise complaints. Hooning. If you have an urgent matter ring Dalby Police communications on 4669 9222 and you will speak directly to a Police Officer 24/7 or dial 000. If you need to speak to Police at Jandowae out of office hours, either leave a message on the station answering machine or ring the after hours number 4669 9222 and an appointment can be made or a Police response will be organised for you.

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