Police Report July 2020
By Senior Constable David Holmes-Brown from Jandowae Community Magazine

What a start of the year we have had here in Jandowae, between the bushfires, flood and now Covid-19 Police have struggled to get a regular report out in this format. A lot has happened but here is a precis.

In this current situation that we are all facing it is now more than ever important to look after each other in our community, as well as ourselves. Remember social distancing, isolation and good health practices is the key to beating this thing.

Police from Jandowae station will continue to work with the community during this incident and would like to thank the community for their support.

Assault Jandowae hotel
On the 28th of December 2019, an assault incident took place at the Jandowae Hotel High Street Jandowae. 2 persons were assaulted by a patron who was identified and removed from the premises. Police have formally charged a Maroochydore man in relation to Assault occasioning bodily harm with a weapon and Assault occasioning bodily harm and will face Dalby Magistrates court in relation to these matters.

Drink driving
On the 16th of January 2019, Police from Jandowae intercepted an 18-year-old Jandowae resident on Bindings road Jandowae. The driver provided a breath sample which exceeded the allowable limit for their class of licence. Driver was transported to Dalby where a further sample was obtained which was over the legislative limit. Driver was charged with drink driving and put before the Dalby magistrates court.

Unlicensed driving
Disturbingly Jandowae Police have detected 4 drivers driving vehicles without drivers licences since January 2020. These drivers are a danger to the community and are not covered by insurance in the event of a traffic crash.

On the 26th of January a 20-year-old Jandowae resident was located on Dalby Jandowae Road in relation to unlicensed driving.

On the 12th of February 2020 a 47-year-old Jandowae resident was located on High Street in relation to unlicensed driving.

On the 4th of March 2020 a 30-year-old Jandowae resident was located on High Street in relation to unlicensed driving.

On the 20th of March 2020 a 50-year-old Jandowae resident was located on Warra Street in relation to unlicensed driving.

Please keep assisting Police with intel regarding unlicensed drivers.

Break and enter offence High Street
On the 25th of February 2020 Police from Jandowae station were notified about a break and enter to a business on High Street Jandowae, this break occurred on the night of the 24th of Feb. 4 offenders were identified to be involved in the break and have since been dealt with by Dalby detectives.

Graffiti offences
On the 25th of February 2020 Police from Jandowae Station were notified about graffiti at the Rotary park as well as graffiti on the crane on George street. Offenders were identified by Police and have since been dealt with by Dalby detectives. The majority of the graffiti has since been cleaned up by the offenders and council.

Evade offence High street
On the 12th of March 2020 Police from Jandowae station attempted to stop a black Mitsubishi sedan on High Street Jandowae. The vehicle failed to stop, and thus committed an evade type offence. Vigilance from the Jandowae community assisted greatly with identifying an offender who has been charged this and multiple offences. The 29-year-old Dalby resident will appear before the Dalby Magistrates court in April in relation to this matter.

An evade offence is

"A police officer using a police service motor vehicle gives the driver of another motor vehicle a direction to stop the motor vehicle the driver is driving.

The driver of the motor vehicle must stop the motor vehicle as soon as reasonably practicable if a reasonable person would stop the motor vehicle in the circumstances."

Minimum penalty—50 penalty units or 50 days imprisonment served wholly in a corrective services facility.

Maximum penalty—200 penalty units or 3 years imprisonment. (Police Powers and Responsibilities act 2000)

The start of the year has been completely taken over by the COVID 19 crisis. Police from Jandowae would like to thank the Jandowae businesses and local community for their support and law-abiding ways over the COVID 19 crisis. Police only had to speak to a small handful of people and only 1 infringement notice was issued during the lock down. Overall Police are happy with the behaviour.

On the 2nd day of April 2020, a NSW man was issued with a $1330 fine (breach of the Health act) for failing to self-isolate.

Whilst restrictions are beginning to ease, it is imperative that we keep good hygiene habits and social distance where necessary. IF you have any symptoms please follow Medical advice and get tested.

"Together we can beat this thing!"

Firearms ffences
On the 30th day of March 2020, Police from Jandowae were called to attend a rural property outside of Jandowae in relation to a male person with a gun shot wound to his leg. The injured male was located at another address in Jandowae where his injuries were treated.

Police units from Jandowae, Dalby and Toowoomba dog handlers surrounded the property and Police negotiators were called in which resulted in the arrest of a male person from the address. A crime scene was declared, and investigation conducted.

A 67-year-old Jandowae male had his firearms seized and will face the Dalby Magistrates court on multiple charges in relation to this incident.

On the 24th day of April 2020, Police were called to attend a William St address in relation to a neighbourhood argument over noise. The incident got out of hand which resulted in the alleged assault of 2 persons including an elderly female. Police attended the William St address which resulted in the arrest of a female at the address.

A 32-year-old Jandowae female will face the Dalby Magistrates court in relation to Assault and obstruct Police charges.

Police from Jandowae station as well as Police from Road Policing unit are still handing out infringement notices to drivers on a daily basis for speeding offences. It appears as if the message of 'Every K over is a killer' is not sinking in.

On the 16th day of May 2020, Jandowae Police issued a speeding infringement for $1245 to a driver who was detected travelling at I49kph on Dalby Jandowae Road. The drivers' licence will be suspended for 3 months for a Type 2 high end speeding offence and 8 demerit points taken off his licence.

If the driver is located committing the same offence or another type 2 offence, which includes unregistered vehicle or unlicensed offence, the vehicle can be impounded and eventually forfeited to the state.

Police will continue to patrol the road in and around Jandowae in an effort to curb speeding and protect the greater community.

Operation AGATHA
Police from Jandowae, Bell, Dalby and Chinchilla attended Jandowae as part of Operation AGATHA, which is a local operation targeting drug offenders and offences in the Jandowae area. On Tuesday the 26th day of May 2020, a number of search warrants were executed on addresses in the Jandowae area.

As a result of these warrants 5 people will face the Dalby Magistrates court in relation to drug offences.

Police would like to that the Jandowae community for their continued support in these types of matters. If you have information in relation to drug offences you can contact crime stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Police link on 131444. All information provided is confidential.

Missing Trailer
Between the 19th and 25th of May 2020 a grey dual axel trailer bearing QLD registration 378UCV, was removed from the Jandowae Men's shed. The trailer had a missing jockey wheel and one tyre was flat.

The trailer has been listed as stolen and Police are seeking assistance with locating the trailer or the person/s responsible. Any information in relation to the taking of this trailer please contact the Jandowae Police station 46685320 or Police link 131 444 and quote crime report number QP2001082746.

Blue light disco
Police will begin the planning stages for the next Blue light disco. Unfortunately, due to COVID 19 no discos have been allowed to run. As soon as the ok is given from Blue Light Assoc. Queensland, we will hold a Disco.

Stay safe and look after each other.
Cheers Senior Constable David HOLMES-BROWN
Jandowae Police station