Note 4
From Reinhard Heydrich, by Joachim C. Fest— See further Notes

4 See particularly Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Utopien der Menschenzüchtung. The investigation makes it frighteningly clear that the whole catalogue of state-controlled breeding measures designed or carried out by the National Socialists, beginning with the so-called studbooks, which defined individual fitness to breed in accordance with certain fixed criteria, and extending to a veto on marriage, liquidation of those considered unfit to live, as well as the establishment of the Lebensborn, the state organisation for the promotion of human propagation, had been anticipated by the spokesmen of various schools of social Darwinism; and even though they had not demanded the extermination of whole nationalities, their ideas were in line with the inhuman projects which showed such a basic contempt for human life.