Note 26
From Reinhard Heydrich, by Joachim C. Fest— See further Notes

26 See Karl Heinz Abshagen, "Canaris". According to Maurer's memorandum referred to in Note 11, Canaris invited Heydrich to his house one evening to let him know 'in all friendliness' that he had managed to come into possession of the incriminating evidence about his antecedents. Heydrich, so Maurer continues, 'smilingly took note of this and from then on his behaviour changed towards us. He got the point and left us alone.' This description agrees with statements made by Wilhelm Stuckart, former State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior, to Robert M. W. Kempner. Indeed Stuckart says that Canaris, because he possessed these documents, could protect himself 'from Heydrich's clutches'; see Kempner, Eichmann and Komplizen. Abshagen has another interpretation which treats this version sceptically, since according to irreproachable witnesses 'from among his acquaintances', Canaris was always afraid of Heydrich But this is by no means contradictory. Naturally Heydrich remained an extremely dangerous opponent even after Canaris had secured the evidence.