Note 5
From Joachim von Ribbentrop by Joachim C. Fest— See further Notes

5 Weizsacker, Memoirs. In connection with his remark that discussions with Ribbentrop were impossible, the former State Secretary wrote:

'According to Bismarck short-sightedness in politics is less serious than far-sightedness. But what we had here was no longer far-sighted; it wandered off into a world of unrealities. It seemed to me . . . that it would have been better if my brother, Professor of Internal Medicine and Neurology at Heidelberg, had been attached to the minister in my place.'

The other verdicts are to be found in Dietrich, Hitler; Schwerin von Krosigk, Es geschah in Deutschland. Ribbentrop's tendency to engage in endless monologues was also observed by Burckhardt, Meine Danziger Mission.