Note 54
From Joachim von Ribbentrop by Joachim C. Fest— See further Notes

Haensel, Das Gericht vertagt sich. see also Baron Viktor von der Lippe, Nurnberger Tagebuchnotizen November 1945 bis Oktober 1946 (Frankfurt am Main, 1951), and Gilbert, Nuremberg Diary. The co-defendants too had, according to Gilbert, 'scorn and contempt for Ribbentrop and his defence from one end of the dock to the other' (Nuremberg Diary). Weizsacker expressed this opinion in closing:

'If one were to open a clinic for nervous diseases one would find many of this kind. The failure lies in the system in which a type of this sort becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs of a nation of 70 million people and can remain so for seven years' (Memoirs).