Note 54
From Rudolf Hess by Joachim C. Fest— See further Notes

Gilbert, Psychology of Dictatorship. J. R. Rees's diagnosis is:

'The paranoid features of his personality were clearly seen in his egocentricity, based on a deep feeling of insecurity, a fear of being injured or attacked .. . He clearly has no great confidence in the goodness of other people and while withdrawn into himself he is always looking for an idealized person outside himself whom he might love and trust in order to assuage his inner loneliness. In this case the idealized person, by and large, was of course Hitler, but within the narrower pattern of life in his prison camp other men came to embody the opposing qualities. One by one he found them wanting and then identified them with the evil powers who were working against him. In a curious way, the gallant Duke of Hamilton and the chivalrous King of England were playing a role almost identical with Hitler as idealized objects of his veneration...'(Case of Rudolf Hess).