Note 1
From Albert Speer by Joachim C. Fest — See further Notes

1 See the article by Hans Buchheim, Struktur der totalitaren Herrschaft und Ansatze totalitaren Denkens, VJHfZ, 1960, No. 2; also, by the same author, Totalitarian Rule. Within a wider framework Max Weber, Wissenschaft als Beruf, 2nd ed. (Munich-Leipzig, 1921), also bears on this problem. But see as well Carl Schmitt, Der Begriff des Politischen mit einer Ansprache uber das Zeitalter der Neutralisierungen (Berlin, 1932).

Very illuminating in this context is the reaction of leading nuclear physicists and chemists like Hahn, Bagge, Weizsacker, Heisenberg et al., interned after the war in a country house in England, to news of the dropping of the first American atom bomb. Although at least some of them, in accordance with their established opposition to the National Socialist regime, 'were happy that we didn't have the bomb', they declared without exception their disappointment at not having been able to count this success as their own. The schism between 'technological' and political man seldom becomes so tangible as in this overheard conversation. See also the book which Leslie Groves, the chief of the American atom bomb project, published under the title Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project (New York, 1962; London, 1963).